Logbook entry

Day 2 of Exile - Wanted

13 Sep 2015Lase Mooray

So I am in my second day of exile from the system I was born and grew up in. It's funny, I have been out for months in the black and while I have felt homesick form being so far away, I have never felt isolated. It is paining me not knowing what has happened to my father. Should I go back and find out? Will that put him at any more risk? I don't care about the risk to me, but he doesn't deserve it through my mistake.

The bounty on my head is good for another 4 days. So far I have not had any bounty hunters come looking for me. Funny in a way, becoming the very thing that I hunted down myself. Brings a new perspective on some of the marks I have taken down. I managed to get in and out of Luiken City quietly enough to get my Anaconda out. Had to pull in a favor in order to get past and free my ship. My other vessels are locked behind a bio-metric lockout so at least they can't be impounded, or worse. It isn't un-hackable, but will need several months do get past it so I should be good if I don't want to return permanently and can retrieve my ships.

I have been keeping myself busy. In a system near to my temporary home they are at war with a group that is alleged to have killed the Imperial Emperor. That little fact is one I don't care about, I do care about them offering combat bonds. I have managed to acquire near 4 million in them so far, along with a few bulletin board missions to go along with it. Those have netted me another 700k credits as well. I hate seeing all the slaves around. Most seem well treated but it is still forced labor, with some in the situation through no fault of their own.

My last battle in a combat zone I came off somewhat badly. Had been in the theater for about 20 minutes, I was starting to run low on ammo for my multi-cannon and would need to restock shortly. My scanner picked up an enemy Anaconda with its shields almost down, just one more then I thought. My rail gun took out its shields and I switched to my pulse lasers and multi-cannons targeting its weak spot, the power-plant. I managed to get to start causing some damage when it and another ship, not sure what, opened fire. My shields rapidly started to collapse but I almost had the 'Conda! I kept firing as my shields ran out, the 'Conda's beam emplacements directly hitting my hull. Hull integrity was dropping, but so was his power-plants and it became a battle of who would die first. Thankfully as my hull started at full it held out long enough for me to punch through and the 'Conda exploded.

I retracted my weapons, put all my power into the engines and high-tailed it out. A few remaining ships took some pot shots at me as I left but otherwise I suffered no more damage. Eventually I was far enough out to jump to supercruise and get back to the local station. I made 1.2 million credits on that sortie, more then covering the 10k's worth of damage done to Mortius. That was me done for the day though. Heading back to my temporary home, hopefully to drown some of my sorrows.
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