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Out of Exile - Wanted

17 Sep 2015Lase Mooray

So the duration of my bounty has expired, meaning I can go 'home' now or rather back to Reshas. The question is now do I want to? After being effectively setup to take the fall for a faction that I have been nothing but loyal to, I feel cheated and lied to. I need to get back to see how my father is and make a decision then. I have been offered a place with a newly forming faction in Imperial space called the 'Order of Mobius'. Despite being in Imperial space they appear to be independent, operating as a cooperative. Overall it feels somewhat like my old home in Reshas which is run under a confederation type government.

The Order of Mobius seem to want to have no weapons raised against their own members, preferring that they work together and expelling those who do not follow that simple rule. That said they are not pacifists. The Order will take up arms against external threats when needed to protect their own members. So far I have liked what I have seen.

I have now brought a beat up little Hauler to take me back to Reshas. From there I plan to talk to my father, maybe even see if I can get him to come along, and then probably end up moving my ships over to Rafferty's Mobius where I can make my new home.
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