Logbook entry

Moving to Mobius

19 Sep 2015Lase Mooray

I got back to Reshas and paid my fine off that was left from my 'mishap'. I am still annoyed by the whole saga, it has cost me not only financially but in trust. Who can I trust now? I was asked to take on a contract from a faction I had fought for and they thought to use me for a mindless murder. Not only a murder but one that made me a wanted man in my own home system.

As I was free to return to Luiken City without fear of attack I went to see my father. Since the death of my mother in an industrial accident I have had to pay for his living costs. The funny thing; he was never even told about what happened to me. He just assumed I had gone out for a long mission for some one. I recounted the story to him and this was the first time I had seen him angry and animated since mother's passing. He fumed about how they could do that to me, abuse my loyalty to them, then toss me to one side and fend for myself.

Eventually he settled down, although his eyes gave away his frustrations, and we chatted. First it was just nonsense stuff, who had been to visit him, what was happening in the pits (where ships go for repair and my old workplace). Finally I worked up the nerve to talk about my plan to move. At first he couldn't believe I would want to go. I said he didn't have to stay, I can afford for him to come with me. While he understood that my desire to go was driven by recent events, he wouldn't leave, felt it would be disrespectful to mother. I tried to point out that she would want him to move on, make a life for himself, but he wouldn't have it.

So I began the slow process of moving my fleet to Rafferty's Mobius in the Azrael system. I took me over a day to get them to their new homeplace, mainly as my Viper (Rogue) and Eagle (The Damned Soul) are combat vessel and have limited jump distances and ranges. The final ship to go was Melissa's Romance, my Cobra Mk III. On that last trip I left the Hauler I had been using to taxi myself back to Reshas at Luiken City. I gave my father the access codes and told him to get back out on some runs. While I have no problems paying for our quarters, I don't want to see him waste away in them. He hasn't flown since the accident and, surprisingly, I was able to get him to come out for a quick joyride around Reshas in Melissa. I am hopeful that he will use the Hauler to go out in, maybe do a few runs with.  I'll have to go back in a few weeks and see if it has been taken out, or I could leave a message with my old friend Sam Ancher to check up on him from time to time. We'll have to see.
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