Logbook entry

Saving the Refugees

27 Sep 2015Lase Mooray

So there was a call out to help the refugees from the Pegasi sector who were being attacked in Amitrite. It is something that I find the lowest point in human behavior. Here we have people who's only wish is to live a normal life away from the war that is ripping their home apart, but to get there pirates and slavers are doing their best to try and kill off what little hope these people have left.

I responded to the call for help and did my part in killing off some of these insidious low-life's. Mortius done the trick again. After coming out of the warzone in Maausk I dropped the rail-gun in favor of a third large pulse laser. The rail-gun is great against larger, slower, targets. However with its long charge/fire time, smaller more nimble ships can easily get out of its way. Not to mention it is also only available in a static mount. So armed with pulse lasers and multi-cannons I was able to make about four million just from the bounties.

Now that the numbers of the pirates have been decimated there was a secondary payout, earning me an extra seven and a half million. My bank balance is now at a level that feels healthy after I brought Aurora. Still, the money is only a secondary benefit after helping to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of fleeing refugees.
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