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Nothing, followed by a bit of nothing - Neutron Star Field

01 Oct 2015Lase Mooray

Oh the deepest black! Going between arms of the galaxy is DULL. I am hitting more systems with planets now so that is a plus, but they are rubbish cheap systems. Glad I have a fuel scoop as I doubt they would pay for the fuel I am expending. Still, gives me time to write I guess. I wrote a message to my father back in Reshas, some one and a half thousand light-years away, via hyperspace. Never got a chance to see him before I headed out and kinda feel a bit guilty as I plan on being out here for a good couple of months or so. Although he seemed somewhat better in recent months, I am hoping that he will take out the Hauler I have left for him at his home station.

I need to send a message to Sam Ancher see if he can get my father out. Ancher lost his leg while he was in the same wing as me defending our home system from pirates. I think dad is able to relate to him more with the feeling of loss; seeing how Ancher is dealing with his missing leg has brought dad out a bit more. That said Sam does annoy me a little, I have offered to get his leg fixed, either a grown replacement or a cybernetic one, but he refuses. Says it makes he remember what he has lost and that he can carry on regardless.

So I ask him to try and get my father out back into space, I hope he is able to.
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