Logbook entry

Finally Looking Up - Neutron Star Field

04 Oct 2015Lase Mooray

So started today with a systems check. Like many explorers I have a number of ship systems that aren't needed for deep space investigation. Things like shields, weapons, cargo hatch, landing gear and power distributer all use fuel but provide little else while out here. Therefore they get shut down to conserve fuel. On a weekly basis I like to power them up and, with the mechanical systems, activate them. Keeps my mind clear that they will work when needed and gives a chance to repair if they aren't working right.

The scans today have gone really well, must have come across some 15 or so high metal content planets which are ripe for terraforming. My ships computer says that one of those systems should be worth nearly 250,000 credits. Overall the estimate is I have earned about 3 million today!

Hopefully tomorrow will be just as profitable. I am closing in on the Cats Paw nebula have about 2,000 light years to go.

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︎6 Shiny!
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