Logbook entry

Winning and a Poor Soul - Neutron Star Field

06 Oct 2015Lase Mooray

Currently I am near three thousand light years away from Sol and I came across a wreaked ship. I heart goes out to the person/people manning it. Space is a cruel Mistress and will not think twice before boiling your eyes dry when exposed to it. In the wreckage there was a canister holding their scan data. Although my ship says that it is illegal, I feel I have to take it back or otherwise who ever that ship belonged to will have died for nothing. Of course though I am in Aurora at the moment so 'sneaking' into a space station is somewhat more hair-raising then in my Sidewinder, Annoying Mozzie!

With a more positive experience, I received today a hyperspace comm that I had won an Imperial Eagle! I vaguely remember being pestered when docking at an Empire controlled starport for my comm details. To be honest I gave it to them as I was a little drunk and wanted to get back to my cabin on Mortius. It turns out it was legit and sitting at Lyulka Beacon in the Liabeze system. Of course that is all well and good but I am some two and half thousand light years away from it at the moment. Still, something to look forward to on my return.
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