Logbook entry

Inside the Blue - Neutron Star Field

07 Oct 2015Lase Mooray

As I am making my way to the Cat's Paw nebula am always on the look out for interesting sights to see. About half way to my destination I was looking on the galaxy map to pick out the next stage of my route. While I was picking out I noticed a blue 'smudge' on the map. Turns out this is the 'Bug Nebula'. It seems to be a small planetary nebula created by a Wolf-Raynet star. Curious I detoured to visit. From the two pictures above and below it is an amazing sight. The sky turned from its usual black to an amazing blue which covered all directions. Within the system was the star as well as two planets in orbit. All in all a fantastic detour.

Once I had satisfied my curiosity I set course back to the Cat's Paw. What happens? The next system I jump into has the first 'Earth-like' world I had ever come across. According to my ships computer I have travel some sixty-three thousand light-years since i started out. I have scanned over three and a half thousand planets and this is my first that is naturally able to support human life with no terraforming!

Today has been a good day.

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︎5 Shiny!
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