Logbook entry

Going Home

28 Jun 2015Lase Mooray
I got back today from my trip out to get data for the Sirius project. Basically I started to go mad without anyone around me. I really need to see if someone wants to go with me next time, maybe my long friend Ancher, he never gets to leave the Reshas system. Managed to make a nice 8.5 million on the data though, not bad for 4 weeks work. Although could have been more had my Disco Scanner not been malfunctioning the whole time.

I have gone back to my home system. I have been thinking about it for a while and wanted to see my dad as well as upping my standing there. Since I left, after volunteering for the security forces defending the system from a massive pirate problem, my standings there aren't what they used to be. Time to change that and reconnect with my roots. Having a well equipped Python helps too.

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