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Back home again

21 Jan 2018Lase Mooray
So after a couple of years I have moved back home. My Father was glad to hear it and has perked up since I moved in just down the hall from him. Not that I am home much, given I spend most of my time in my ship it's more symbolic than practical, but allows him to feel I am closer. I have offered to get him a dwelling deeper in the station, but he likes to low gravity of our family home.

He was amazed when I took him down to the shipyard and showed him the small fleet I have collected. He doesn't think I noticed but I saw him eyeing the Cobra, Melissa's Romance (named after my late mother). He hasn't been out in space for over a year now so I am hoping I'll be able to get him out in her. She was the ship I was given after the Pirate War my mother was killed in. Oh she wasn't killed in the fighting directly, she was killed by negligence and cost cutting when an industrial power distributor exploded. Anyway, I hope to get Dad out of the station soon.

Tried to contact my buddy, Sam Ancher, however he is out on a private exploration mission and no one seems to know when he will be back. I'll have to try and contact him on the hyperspace comms but knowing him he will have them turned off, saving power. He apparently went out in an Asp Scout - not exactly the best ship for deep space exploration but he was always a bit of a risk taker. Actually I'll leave a message on the station comms system and set it to transmit when he reconnects. Won't be cheap but I can afford it.
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