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Fast Little Ship

23 Jan 2018Lase Mooray
First I want to say that I am not the biggest fan of the major powers out there. The Imperial's are too stuffy and believe in slavery (indentured or not there must be a better way) and the Federation is gives too much power to the corporations. My home system is now being run by the Federation, given half the chance I'd kick them out but one man can't stand against that might.

Anyway back to the point. Some time ago I won an Imperial Eagle. It has mostly sat around in my collections doing very little, as said I have little love for the Imperial regime, until now. Today I fitted it out with a completely new drive system and stripped out all the normal amenities, down grading most things except the thrusters - upgrading to the Enhanced Performance version, which I visited Felicity Farseer to upgrade them further.

Now I have a real racer on my hands. Under normal conditions the ship will happily do over 500 meters per second and under boost will reach nearly 750! Of course this comes at the price of not having any shields, I bump it, I dent it. Bump it too hard I am taking the escape pod home. Nor has it got any weapons, but it is faster than pretty much anything out there. If someone interdicts me, they will be eating my thruster exhaust before they stabilize from their dropout.

Now all I need to find is a low G world with some wicked deep "Europa" lines to race around in. Anyone know of any around Reshas?
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︎5 Shiny!
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