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A New Entry

14 May 2016Lase Mooray
Well it has been a long time since I wrote one of these. There has been a lot going on and just not had time! Anyway, I have been hearing rumours of people calling themselves 'Engineers'. Apparently they can modify modules and weapons on ships. I have started to put feelers out on finding some, Mortius really needs better thrusters (and weapons) and Aurora needs a bump with her Frameshift drive.

I want to get away from human space for a while, just me, my ship and the big black. Ages ago I wanted to see about heading to the rim of the galaxy, see the black that lays beyond but forever out of my reach. But some of those stars are really remote and even Aurora with her big jump range can't reach those distances yet. Maybe these Engineers can help with that.

Must go and see my father at some point, he had lots of connections, maybe he can point me in a starting direction...
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