Logbook entry

The Outer Rim Expedition

04 Feb 2018Random Chaos
Once in a while, even military units need navigation exercises, and when those can be used to add to the Imperial Archive's astronomy charts, more the better.  My part of the Outer Rim Expedition was a simple one, to navigate to a point 5000 light years rimward of Achernar, survey a set amount of worlds, and return.

200 systems were visisted, dozens of worlds surveyed, and multiple planetary landings were carried out.  It was an unqualified success, and amidst those impressive numbers were no small amount of discoveries;

From new worlds:

To impressive scenes:

To several new jewels for the Imperial crown, including two water worlds...

And a new Earth-like world:

It's hard to fit such an experience into such a small amount of text, but it's been a long day, and I need to hit the rack.
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