Logbook entry

Log #1b Stardate 18.01.3304 The beginning

18 Jan 2018Erinia Scantyar
I was given standard weapons training together with some imperial navy recruits and used my collected funds to purchase a fully combat fitted Vulture.

After that my contracter friend pointed me towards a rescource excavation siteto protect some miners in Sanna system. I arrived at the site. And found total chaos: Pirates in 2 Eagles and a Cobra Mk3 were fighting against a Type 7 Transporter and trying to steal his cargo. 2 Pythons were keeping the local police forces busy and an Anaconda was wrecking havoc among some mining Sidewinders.

I was shocked for a moment. A deep breath and then I launched into the frey. I used my kill warrant scanner to identify the criminals and targeted the Eagles. They were no match. I used my beam lasers to strip their shields and then the minigun to pulverize them into debris. The Cobra came around from the back and hit my shields. I turned my ships bow on him and used my afterburner to slip by. Shields at 63%. OK. I turned and positioned myself behind him staying on his tail untill he ended as a floating wreckage.

Suddenly the Anaconda was on my right side. The second the alarm went off my shields collapsed an I felt a harsh impact. Warning lights flashing and my hands shaking in fear I took a look on the status screen. FSD offline, beam laser damaged, right main engine offline. Great. There was no way to fight back. I decided to to run for it. He was still slower then me despite my damaged engine. I went into the asteroid field evading icy rocks while trying to dodge. The nasty pirate hit me several times. More warning lights. Lateral thrusters offline. Hull breached. Emergency life support online. "C´mon dammit! I don´t wanna die!" I thought. There! Even during that dire situation I couldn´t help but smirk. There were 2 asteroids very close to each other. So close that I felt like throwing up by the thought of flying my ship through that narrow gap. I activated the afterburner for my remaining engine and pushed through. It´s a miracle I didn´t get squashed. I activated silent running to hide my presenceand went behind another asteroid landing on it. As I deactivated silent running I was still shaking an my whole body. First things first. I activated the repair sequence and waited for my ship to reboot. As the repairs were done I checked my sensors. The anaconda was gone and the police units had taken care of the Pythons. I survived. I sighed in relief and took off from the asteroid.

After returning to Mueller station in Zelano repairing and refueling I collected the bounty and the mission reward. All in all 2 million credits. My contractor was happy and I was promoted by the imperial navy. This was what I was seeking. "I want to stay here." I thought.

Zelano is my home now.

CMDR Erinia Scantyar
- signing out
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