Logbook entry

Log #5 Stardate 21.01.3304 Joint raid

21 Jan 2018Erinia Scantyar
Today started rather quiet. I woke up in my cabine on the Mordrema and took a shower. After putting on my pilot suit I took a look on the latest intel on the slavers in Guuguyni. The imperial navy had found a large den near a RES. Time to earn money.

I undocked from Shen Terminaland made my way to the site. As I came out of supercruise I found other commanders already taking a lot of heat. I charge right into the frey, concentrating on an Eagle and 2 Viper Mk3s that were harassing an Anaconda. The eagle almost instantly died to my laser fire. One of the Vipers tried toget behind me. Too bad for him Mordrema is quite agile. I turned around and boosted to pass by him. I turned and the Viper got stripped of shields by the annie and went evasive. That gave me the chance to finish him with a missle barrage. The last immediate enemy got pulverized by both the Annaconda and me.

"Wanna fly together?" CMDR Klapanciusz asked on an open channel.
"Count me in!" I replied.

I kept the smaller frie at bay and he weakened the bigger stuff to take them down together. We were also joined by commanders Nic Corven, Kirito 2420 and Sleeping Insects. We worked together on thinning the slavers guarding their den. After fighting about an hour CMDR Sleeping Insects ship got severely hit, but managed to return to Shen Terminal. After another hour of fighting the slavers Klapanciusz had to drop out because he was getting tired. No wonder. Such extended fights can get extremely taxing.

After 3 hours of continued fighting we went back to Shen Terminal to cash in and get a break. Nic Corven unfortunately got called of, because one of his friends was in dire need of help.

CMDR Kirito 2420 and I rejoined the fight later on. We fought our way through the thinned slaver lines. The imperial navy sent torpedo bombers in to destroy the station. We escorted them. First we had to fend off a few smaller ships like Eagles, Cobras and Vipers. Nothing we couldn´t handle. Then 3 Annacondas went onto us. Kirito 2420 and I concentrated our fire on one ship. His Fer-de-Lance was extremely powerfull.  We stripped the enemies shields while evading the crossfire of the other 2 ships. Then we went to punch a hole into our targets pwer plant. He was helpless now and got torn apart. The other 2 Annies went into a large circle and started to align so that they could protect themself against our smaller, faster and more agile ships. The crossfire started on me. I tried to evade, but then

"Shields offline! Hull integrity compromised!"

Warning lights flashing. "I need to bail out a sec, Kirito!" I shouted on comms.
"Roger I got this." He answered.

I hit 4 pips toengines. Flying evasive in a large arc I went on a safe distance. Then I redistributed power to full shields and waited  for them to rebuild. Kiritos flying was amazing. Even though he took quite a beating he maneged to kill one of the 2 Condas befor having to retreat.
The enemy came chasing him. I gnarled and redistributed power. Then I said on comms:

"I´ll keep him busy."
"Roger" Kirito replied.

I boosted past the target and stuck to his thrusters. Stripping his shields was rather easy since they were already weakened. Punching through his armor was another thing. His shields came back up quite fast. He suddenly turned in an unexpected way severely weakening my shield. Kirito came back into the fight and we chipped both away on him.  My shields went back up. 55%. Then I managed to damage hs thrusters. After that he died rather quickly leaving a molten wreck after our beamy treatment.

"Good job" Kirito congratulated me.

"You, too! Your flying was amazing!" I answered.

The pirate den exploded behind us.

"Seems like the bombers made it." he remarked.

"Yea, OP success. Let´s head back to cash in, mate!" I suggested,

"Gotcha!" he said befor plotting a course to Shen Terminal and spooling the FSD.

We arrived at the station I let my ship computer do the docking. I ordered the ground crew to repair, refuel and rearm the Mordrema and went to the bounty office. Kirito was already done.

"Wanna grab a drink in the bar?" he asked.

"Of course! Gotta cash in first." I chuckled.

"I´ll get some room for us. Meet me in the "Watchman" in 45 minutes." he said.

"Sure!" I smiled as he departed.

"Not bad... he´s quite... tasty." I thought. I shrugged, "Stupid girl. This isn´t time for this! maybe later." I sighed as I got a grip on myself. It really was some time since...

"Ms. Scantyar?" the clerk at the office asked.

"Oh! Sorry. I was lost in thoughts for a moment. Here are todays slaver kills." I replied and sent him the required data from my datapad.

"Quite impressive! Here you go. Credits transfered and happy hunting!" the Clerk said.

"Thanks. Have a nice day!" I answered.

+1.500.000 Cr were displayed on my datapad as I checked my bank account.

Another profitable day with a lot of criminal scum gotten rid of. "This is really good!" I thought as I made my way to the bar.

CMDR Erinia Scantyar
- signing out

Log supplement:

I got invited by the 10th Imperial Legion to join their effort today. They seem like friendly and decent guys. I´ll go check them out as soon as I catch a break from those slavers. It would be nice havong some company along on my journeys. Even though I don´t know if a bounty huntress like me fits their cause. *chuckles*

--end of supplement--
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