Logbook entry

Log #9 Stardate 25.01.3304 Roadtrip

25 Jan 2018Erinia Scantyar
Preparations were nearly done. I had impounded the Mordrema on Mueller station and exchanged her for the Stinger - my trusty old Adder class explorer that helped me charter the Coal Sack and Witchhead nebulas. I was ordering the ground crew to replace the aditional fuel tank with a small cargo rack for transport as I got a call on the datapad. I accepted the call.

"Hi Erinia, I heard you were taking a hike to Maia for some of those alloys and needed an escort. That true?" CMDR Random Chaos was calling. A fellow comrade from the 10th Legion.
"Hey, yea some engineer whos help I need is offering services if they are brought some meta alloys. I just prepaired the Stinger for the journey." I answered.

"You´d better bring some weapons. There are pirates and the insects of course. It´s been quite chaotic there for a while and those alloys are expensive." She replied.

I sighed. "I wish there was another way, but the Stinger isn´t made for combat. I´ll need an escort."

"That´s why I´m here! Finish your preparations. I´ll tag along. There´s a new ship I wanna try out. Meet ya in 30 outside Mueller Station." she waved as good bye and cut the feed.

I chuckled because of Chaos´enthusiasm and finished my preps.

30 minutes later as I steered the Stinger through the mailslot and checkd the sensors for Random, I saw a massive ship lingering nearby.

"Good to see you, Erinia" she hailed me.

"Wow! That ship is MASSIVE!" I was impressed by it´s sheer size.

"It´s a Type 10. She can take a lot of beating and has good offensive and jump range, too. Lets see what she can do, shall we?" Chaos´ smiled.

"Allright lets head out." I agreed.

We plotted our course and hit the road to Maia. Nothing really special happened on the way to the target. We were scanning some unchartered systems on the way and had the usual banter and fooling around. After landing on the planetside at Darnielle´s Progress we took a short break while the purchased goods were being loaded onto our ships.

"I´ll take some as well and be your backup plan. Just in case." Random said as I asked about the crates being delivered to her ship.

After loading and a strong coffee our ships took off for the journey home. First 10 jumps were as usual: Nothing special. But then the trouble started. Upon entering a system a pirate Anaconda was waiting for us. He immediately was onto us and tried to interdict Chaos upon us both refueling at the star.

"Push on! I can handle him. Just save your goods. You´re unarmed anyways." she told me.

As I was about to confirm I heard Random chuckle over comms:"Hahaha! Idiot! He got flung into the sun as I was evading his interdiction!"

"Oh by the emperor! What an idiot!" I chuckled as well. This must´ve been the worst pirate I ever encountered.

We finished our refueling and went on. this time more cautious. Every 3 or 4 systems another pirate, merc or just a fool seeking to steal some meta alloys tried interdicting us. It really got annoying. There was a close call when I got caught by a pirate squadron, but Chaos was there and her guns quickly dispatched the vilains and left them as molten reminders to not mess with us.

We finally landed at Farseer Inc. in Deciat system to deliver the goods. Felicity Farseer was a strange woman with an interest in all alien she could find. From exploration data to parts of alien ships. She was happy when we gave her the alloys and offered to engineer my FSD on the Stinger. I agreed. With an improved jumprange on my ship we departed back home for Mueller station in Zelano system.

Upon landing I received an encrypted message.

"I see you´ve made contact with Felicity Farseer. Good work Ms. Scantyar. Contact me under this holovid adress once you´ve made your deal with the other engineer. The Major." the message had the adress attached to it.

"Seems things are getting in motion" I mumbled to myself.

CMDR Erinia Scantyar
-signing out
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