Logbook entry

Log #12 Stardate 03.02.3304 Taking a breath

03 Feb 2018Erinia Scantyar
After taking the Crimson Autumn out on her maiden voyage back to Zelano and into some nearby systems for hunting pirates I felt rather weary. You know, sometimes civilization just tires you. I decided I needed some time for myself.

I docked back at Mueller Station and changed from the Crimson Autumn to the Stargazer. I had already planed some more journeys out of the bubble so all I needed to do was choose which one. The area around the Corona Austr. Dark Region felt apealing. So I made my way there.

It felt good having some distance to the bubble. It was so peacefull out there. After arriving at Corona Austr. Dark Region HW-W C1-6 I took off to explore the nearby systems.

I found some interesting planets in the area:

I stayed around a week to survey the area. After that it was time to head back to civilization. I landed on Mueller Station in Zelano and sold the data I gathered. I went to bed in my apartment on the station after a shower. I would need to be well rested for the upcomming days.

CMDR Erinia Scantyar
-signing out
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