Logbook entry

So, what to do now?

24 Nov 2015NeilKD
Whew! What a fortnight it has been. I joined the Paladin Consortium two weeks ago. Almost immediately there-after Cindy, my partner, and I moved to the wing's home starport at Roentgen Hub in the LFT 37 system. Roentgen is an agricultural station orbiting an earth-like planet and, since Cindy is carrying cargo, we thought it would be an ideal place to bring up kids.

The first few days were good. We settled in and I established a nice, profitable trade route. I checked out the local star systems and got a few contracts clearing out pesky nests of undesirables. I spent my days swapping between Cutty Sark and Hermes, depending on the job requirements. Both are beautiful ships I managed to pick up courtesy of the new Imperial Emperor. I don't like the Empire, but they do build good ships!

Then things dropped in the pot.

The previous ruling faction in Roentgen started a play to get the station back. They started a civil war which, due to the heroics of our wing fighters, we won. Our Rep was on the up and things were looking good. However our opponents out-manoueverd us, staged a coup and took back control. The Boss, Big Pappa, our Wing Commander, called a state of emergency to try and wrest back control of the station.

Again, our commanders responded. It was hectic! Space in the LFT 37 system seemed filled with Paladin ships; running missions, interdicting rival traders, taking out opposition ships. You name it and we did it. No-one got much sleep. It was fly, fight, dock to re-arm, repair, re-fuel and grab a couple of hours sack-time whilst the crew worked frantically to get the ship back up to spec. Then, back in the cockpit again for the next adrenaline filled rush.

But it was all in vain. Despite our best efforts, we were not able to prevail. The Boss has now called off the state of emergency and told his weary troops to take some time off. R & R. Rest and Relaxation rather than Re-arm and Repair.

So, what am I going to do? I hear that there is a Communituy Goal asking pilots to ship Onionhead out to Xelabara. That should be quite fun and profitable. Income has been down during the state of emergency and ships cost a lot to maintain. Also we need to build up a healthy cash pile for when Junior un-docks. I think I'll get Cutty Sark out of storage, Hermes has been carrying me during the SOE, and do the Onionhead run for a couple of days until that closes. Then I'll give Cindy a holiday and we'll go and visit the Home of Mankind. I recently got my Sol system permit when I made Petty Officeŕ - same day I joined Paladin - so I've never been there. Nor has Cindy, couple of kids from the boondocks, that's us. We'll play tourist and go and see where it all began. Should be fun!
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