Logbook entry

Unassailable Truths

16 Nov 2020Airlock Doc
Cmdr. Log

As a Doctor, you learn a few things that others don't.

The first thing you learn is that people will die, despite what you know or what you don't know.
The second thing you learn is that in the end, you are only treating the symptoms. You can't cure what ails them.

In the first case, there is nothing you can do to keep the numbers down, no matter what you know by learning what you don't know. There are always things you won't know that will factor in, no matter what you do. That number will rise. The best you can do is to keep it from rising to fast.

In the second case, you can only treat what you can as a person. You can treat the symptoms, and the disease that caused the symtoms, but in many cases, the disease IS a symptom. The Miner that came in with the lung disease from working in the mines. The symptoms point to the disease, but the disease is another symptom. You can't shutter the mine. You treat the Symptoms.

I have seen to many casualties that I cannot cure the disease no matter how much I treat the symptoms. So instead, I am here. In a ship, far from where I was born, trying to find another way. Another path.

Maybe, just maybe I can find a place where I can actually treat the disease and work with others that will see that it is worth doing so.

Maybe. Being on this ship is the start of that search. Maybe.
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