01 Nov 2020Airlock Doc
For my Stream:Here are some of the Tools I use in Elite Dangerous
INARA - The Ultimate do all site for any Elite Commander. Log everything, make contacts, join squadrons and factions. You are reading this on INARA right now.
ED Market Connector - Updates a universal Database with current market prices, ships and modules available, factions influence and more, at every station you land at.
ED Market Connector Plugins:
- Landing Pad Plugin - Gives a Visual in the EDMC app where your landing pad is.
- EDMC Screenshot - Converts, renames, and moves Screenshots in game to a format and location of your choosing.
Voice Attack - Control your computer with your voice.
HCS Voicepacks - Bring your Elite cockpit to life with a voicepack that can act as your crew and respond to your commands.
Elite Dangerous Database - Find anything you need from ships to stations and trade routes.
Coriolis - ED ship builder that can show you what a ship can cost, how engineering can affect it, and can link out to EDDB to show you what stations have that exact build for sale closest to you.
Commanders Toolbox - Guides, Builds, News, Fleet Carriers and more. Get your info here.
Commanders Toolbox Mining Helper - Find those great spots for whatever you want to mine, and where to sell them.