Logbook entry


24 Jan 2018Ulaidian
Official State Notice
To be distributed as/where appropriate

Niadh Ulaidian O'Teach
Inmate No 432234A889C

Arrested - 28/9/3200

Charged - Minor in control of Spacecraft
Charged - Theft of Spacecraft
Charged - Murder of Agent
Charged - Destruction of State property

Sentenced 29/10/3200 - 104 years, concurrent, State Cryoprison,

Released - 18/1/3304


Ulaidian is from the old State known as the UK, specifically from the Northern Irish city of Belfast. Having been an adventurous youth, and always dreaming of those 'greener pastures', he 'borrowed' a ship and 'took it for a ride' (his words in apostrophes). Causing millions in damage, the death of a tax agent (Disputed at the time), not to mention embarrassment to the State he was sentenced to 104 years. This was to be served at the cryo facility (This was deemed, at the time, to be a suitable sentence for a minor). This meant that he would age at a quarter of the speed, and be out of the way. A potential 'teenage problem child' nipped in the bud according the original case files.

A model prisoner (Icecube), he is now officially free to travel to all those blue, green, purple pastures, and seemed determined to visit them all. With a thousand credits to his name, and a loaned Sidewinder, we will see how he goes... the psychologists are excited to see how he adapts to the new surroundings, all alone, and how he interacts with people his own age. This seems to be about 40, but the cryo system has been known to go a bit faulty/ignored, so quite a few people are keeping an eye in how he develops.

Update - 20/1/3304

The pris..subject has managed to get away from prying eyes, and removed all the tracing systems put on him on release.

Update - 22/1/3304

It now seems that all records have also been expunged from the system.  What do we teach these people in Cryo? He was supposed to be a religious teacher! Last seen heading for Empire Space in a Keelback. It seems he has found a niche in trading and cargo/message delivery.

Final Update - 23/01/3304

It seems that my superiors have discovered that I have been wasting time on this case, severely reprimanded for filing 'fake citizen' reports.

Case closed.
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