Logbook entry

Ad Coloniam!

01 Feb 2018DeNeill
Another Day.

After 7 hours of sleep, some light ship maintenance and several space walks with my dog, it is time for the next chapter of my journey.

Yesterday, I completed my long distance trip from Deciat, where I received the last upgrades to the FSD of my ASP Explorer LDT-01 courtesy of Mrs. Farseer, and arrived at my destination, Sagittarius A*.

It was worth the trip - it does not look like I imagined a black hole, THE black hole, to look.

Now, it is time to Continue my trip to Colonia...

-- Trip resumed at 03:15am. Current time 04:19am. 179 Jumps to Colonia.
-- Current time 06:16am. Discovered several new water worlds. 85 jumps to Colonia.
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︎0 Shiny!
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