Logbook entry

Curiosity damn near killed the cat!

13 Feb 2018DeNeill
My time in space has been uneventful, generally. Some exploration, a trip to Sag A*, Colonia and back...thats about it. Today was different.

I dropped into a few unknown signal sources to see what was going on there...thus I have made my first close encounter with the Thargoids and have learned a few valuable lessons.

1) They seem to share my "live and let live" approach, if you respect diplomatic protocol. (see below)
Like my unarmed ASP Explorer would hold any weight in aggressive negotiations...

2) They do NOT take kindly to attempts at rescuing the survivors of less friendly encounters.
They will, however, occasionally leave behind some scrap and just take the escape pods. It takes a bigger man than myself to try and get between a thargoid and their prey. Man is fighting war among their own kind, why would I save a single soul I merely happened to come upon by chance, and risk my own life? I'm not getting probed today, no siree. And they must have pissed off those Thargoids to begin with. Their own damn fault...right?

3) They do NOT take kindly to invasion of their personal space (duh).
I gauged their personal space at around 3km after their initial scan. The latest encounter I had with them made me more than a little wary of getting too close. While encounter 2 nearly got me killed (they do NOT like people yoinking stuff from under their nose with limpets), encounter three made me rapidly evacuate any unnecessary tonnage for maximum jump range (I did not bring my brown pants...), so to speak. I have seen death. And it smiled at me with several rows of shiny teeth.

Encounter 1:

Encounter 3:
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︎5 Shiny!
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