Logbook entry


10 Nov 2015Michael Darkmoor
29 May, 3301

After the first couple of short runs from LHS-3447 to Charmunda, a system with an industrial world, I decided that the discovery scanner was not as useful as say, an extra couple of tons of cargo. Little did I know how much this would help in accelerating the accumulation of credits!  
Upgrades to my little death-trap are expensive and without them I likely will not survive any encounters in the more hostile areas of deep space.

I still do not have a name for the creature.

The extra cargo space opened up some of the more lucrative entry level courier jobs to me that were listed on the bulletin boards.  I checked the boards in every station or planet I visited.  Some jobs just wanted me to do their shopping for them, others wanted specific materials, supplies or data transported to nearby systems.  Pipe-lining these jobs from one star system to the next along with filling any empty cargo slots with the appropriate commodity for the next leg earned enough in 3 days to upgrade almost everything, shedding some unwanted mass in the process.

During these runs, I have been interdicted 4 or 5 times.  Most of the time I either evaded or submitted voluntarily, only to dodge and run after the FSD cooled down.  Only one of these did I actually have to fight back.  Fortunately, those long hours sitting in the simulator while the Sequester’s First Officer threw scenarios at me paid off.  Unfortunately, because he would not give it up and fly off, I ended up killing the pirate.  I had hoped that his ejection system would get him or her clear, but as I watched the ship burst, there was no telltale streak of rocket motors and I just knew.  

I sometimes still get a bit queasy when I think about it too long. It could have been me that finished up on the short end of the stick... Then again… Better them than me!

Since this happened before I had made enough credits to purchase any upgrades, the ‘Winder was plenty tore up when I finally got her docked.  I reckon it’s just another bill to pay.  Maybe I could have handled it better and not taken so much damage, but then… you live, you learn… Right?
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︎2 Shiny!
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