Logbook entry

The Simbad Regime Campaign Pt.01

22 Jan 2018Aticus Jade
G 175-42
Coriolis Starport "Werber Platform"

Well dad was right about upgrading from the Type 7 to the Type 9. I had my doubts about it at first but despite her moving as slow as Nanomamian Cane Syrup, she has definitely proven her worth. Plus with all the upgrades I put in her she is running much better and I've nearly made back what I spent in the original purchase! Lot of money to be made right now with the Simbad Regime. They are building a new starport in the southern end of the ole Milky. Hell that's what has me out here in the middle of no where. Buying up and shipping Beryllium and Aluminum just as fast as the Titan (what I named my ship, pretty cool yeah?) will let me. They are also wanting Tea and Explosives and I have a good lead on where to get all that as well. While this kind of work isn't exactly my idea of a great job, I cannot deny it pays well. They also put an open kill order on all them criminals out in Nu Tauri. Sounds like I may have to jump in on that as well while the money is still good. Either way I can tell my pockets are gonna be sitting a lot fatter once this is all over with. Well looks like they are done loading my cargo so its back to Nu Tauri for me!

== End Of Log ==
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