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A Letter Home

24 Feb 2018Aticus Jade
Location Classified
Aboard Anaconda Class Frigate AWS Eclipse

Hey dad, its been a while yeah? Sorry for not writing sooner just a lonof stuff going on here lately. Hope the rest of the family is  doing well. I won't lie and say I don't miss you guys like hell. So I don't have long, so I will be  brief. I know you told me not to get out here and get wrapped up with some mercenary group, but I felt you should know. I joined up with a private militia called the AWE, or Armed Wanderers Enterprises. Before you get upset, we are not simple mercs out for a credit. These are good guys. The leader Malcolm is a man of morals and value, something all to lacking these days. Honestly I feel like if you met him you would tell him he was a good guy, right after you told him to cut his hair hehe. I wish I could tell you more about it all but I'm still not sure what all I can and cannot talk about ya know? What I can say is we help protect traders and innocents from things like pirates and other boogie men out there. Well pops I gotta go. You won't be able to contact me for a while but I promise I'll come home soon. Give everyone my love.
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