Logbook entry

The Search For Jameson

29 Jan 2018Count Iblis
The weekend had landed!
During the rigmarole of working life, working at Core Dynamics Laboratory, living in a quiet , safe, peaceful secured community, drinking purified water and commuting to work on the days needed- the weekends meant a lot to Reece.
They were a time to regroup and tackle all the projects and even ideas he'd come up with during the week, in his personal workshop.
Perhaps it was his old Cobra Mk 3 that needed a new Faulcon Delacy drive section , which he'd managed to recondition through contacts.
Reece hadn't worked at Core Dynamics for over 10 Sol- years now. He missed aspects of it. However he was a free man now, the weekends were his own but so was the 'working week'. He worked to get things done. That was the beauty of his new life. So this weekend was no different to any other time of the week.
He had set himself goals and tasks and checked his finances. If he needed money- he would either choose to bounty hunt somewhere- like a hazardous Resource extraction site or do some surface reconnaissance missions. Right now, with the continued increase in aggressive activities along the frontier system, Reece wanted to bolster and strengthen his shields, get a longer range from his FSD and further over charge his thrusters for better maneuverability.

To this end- Reece needed to surface prospect for Ruthenium, Selenium and Germanium. He found a rocky planetoid in his home to begin his endeavors.
He landed the great hulking mass of the Imperial Clipper and  used the Surface Reconnaissance Vehicle or SRV to track down the minerals and metals he was after.
This took about two days. The first day- it got so late, he camped in the SRV. It was super cold outside, but inside the SRV was toasty warm if  little cramped. The rocky barren views of an alien horizon were breath taking.

It was the next day, that had Reece do some R and R at a local dive bar on the station called The Black Sheep.
He had ordered some octopus Bisque soup- which was doused in some kind of alcoholic spirit (to apparently bring out the favour) while main course was a raw but seasoned Kodorain Sea crab- a local delicacy. The server was very attentive, mature, and polite. Great service- typical of the Empire, if a little too formal.

Reece typically liked informal 'dive bars' at mining establishments or small out of the way - extraction colonies. They were his preference- he found the people more trustworthy and direct, and less pretentious. The trouble was the Imperious Rex was too large to land at a lot of these places- so Reece had to go to planetary surface installations or Coriolis stations. How he missed his old Cobra Mk3! Being a bounty hunter/space mercenary - had certain definite advantages of freedom and living by your own rules, but you had to be self sufficient. Quite often you wouldn't get people-contact for days, may be weeks. Reece was inherently a people person and needed some contact. Hence the need to visit bars and other social establishments.

It was at this bar- when Reece heard Rumours about the whereabouts of the once great Pilot- John Jamesons Cobra Mk3. He had heard murmurings of this before but this was specific. His crashed ship was found on the planet HIP12099. Some kind of mission with the old INRA division against Thargoids!

Reeces distant relative/ancestor Rupak K Paul, knew Peter Jamesons father well. John Jameson was his son and Reece had met him several times and knew him as a friend of the family! This was incredible news. No one knew what had become of John Jameson. Inevitably rumours that he was still around working covertly for INRA were abound.

Reece would make it a point to find HIP12099. It was 300 light years from his current position- so it was time for an epic voyage. Reece started to equip and ready the Imperious Rex for this journey.
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