Logbook entry

The Search For Jameson Continues...

30 Jan 2018Count Iblis
Another night camping out in the unexplored star system of HIP12099 aboard the Imperious Rex.

I hung dormant over planet 1A-which was in close proximity to a gas giant with rings.

White gas giant infused with green, almost luminous rings picking up light from the G type star. Breath taking view to wake up to, as my ship drifted in orbit, minimal power, minimal lighting, minimal energy signature, no shields, no thrusters etc.

It was precautionary- there really was no one here in this unexplored system. No one for light years.

I awoke around 6:30 am. According to my records, Jameson crashed ship was at 1 B. The coordinates I found were -54.35, 50.38.
I hadn't used the coordinate system much but I would try now. I powered up the ships systems and headed in close orbit of planet1B. Jamesons grave.

Rocky, barren, empty. The planet was orangey beige.
It must have taken a good 2 hours to master the planetary coordinate system. I zeroed in to -59, 67
It was as close as I could get. I could make out some rocky terrain and mountains down below.

Suddenly a crackle came over the intercom. I was so shocked I almost jumped out of my pilots seat and hit my hand hard against the joystickuch!

For a second I thought it was the ghost of old Jameson himself! It was a croaky 'hard' voice.
"I've come a long way for what's in your hold. Don't try to run away!"

I checked the scanner and found a Fer De Lance battle cruiser in the system. The Commanders name was Riley Thomas- "Deadly".

I decided NOT to respond. A Fer De Lance was a serious combat vessel and I knew I could give him some serious flak, but I was carrying an almost full hold of Rares right now, worth hundreds of thousands. I needed them for my trade/collaboration plans going forward with these outer worlds. It wasn't worth the risk or engaging this tosser.

I remained silent. The voice came again, " I know you can hear me, I can see you!"

I descended the ship further into the gravitational pull of HIP12099 1B.

I flew her close to the mountain top and then as abruptly as the Fer De Lance appeared- it was gone. Nothing.

To sure- I flew back up and scanned the area. The pirate pursuant was no where to be found.

I went back to my original search. Landed on the planet near the rocky mountains and broke out the SRV. I guessed I was about 3-4 klicks away from Jamesons reported crash site.

Mountains, and rocks and rough terrain went by in the dusk. Dust, flying rocks. I felt dizzy. I kept going. The mountains were steep as I climbed. I felt a bit uneasy- as I was scared of heights. The sheer size of these mountainous rocks was amazing and somewhat intimidating too. I kept going. This was taking forever. Lights blazing through the thick dark night.

Then my beams hit something. It looked like wreckage! Looked like a part of a broken hull. But it was too curvy to be a Cobra Mk3. Got in closer- it was definitely not Jameson crashed ship. But there were cargo canisters and....TWO ESCAPE PODS!

The SRV computer identified the canisters as personal weapons but alas I couldn't take them and took the escape pods instead: I hope I wasn't going to regret this!

I also found and prospect mined a rich selenium and cadmium deposit that I found.

Then I continued the onslaught. Up, higher and higher , to the mountains. Where was Jamesons vessel. Then I was there. -54.3, 50.4.

NOTHING! No Cobra mk3, no crash site. Where the feck was he?
I checked my coordinates- and they were right. If not spot on I should be able to see him. Nothing, but a steep rocky canyon mountain side and a deep crater like valley and lots of dust. I was really tired. The continual pounding of the terrain had taken their toll on me. It was time to recall the ship and call it a night.

Back onboard the Imperious Rex, I felt disappointed. I kicked back. I would give this expedition another chance tomorrow. There must have been something I missed.

Suddenly a blip came over the scanner. Our Pirate friend Riley Thomas was back! How in the name of Hades did a short fuel range Fer De Lance make it out here?

"I'm back here- just for you. Its time to surrender over your Tasty cargo! I'm surprised you made it this far!"


I stayed silent!

Put the Imperious Rex to full power and sped off. Kept going. There was no way a Fer De lance could keep pace with a fully engineered Imperial Clipper. I kept running until i lost him. Playing cat and mouse was no fun, especially when you were in the role of the mouse!
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︎3 Shiny!
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