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V886 Centauri: Stop Over at The BlueFox - A New Face-pt3

01 Oct 2018Count Iblis
The Cabaret music at the Blue Fox bar on Tanner City continued it's shrill almost amateurish production. It seemed cheesy and somehow rustic at the same time. It felt at odds to the bars surroundings. The smoke around the bar was thick and the bar décor itself was glitzy. Much to his surprise, when Reece found this place was selling the ultra rare Konnga ale- he had to try one. A shot glass serving was not cheap but Reece just had to try one. It tasted decidedly old school and immediately made Reece feel he was back in a gangster bar planetside on Riedquat during the clan war era before Federal control back in the 3100s! Quite hoppy but also sweet with a odd distinctive after taste.

Reece settled back on a heated massage chair by the bar. Glancing around he scanned the other folks at the bar. No one of real note. An odd looking guy in a long flappy  enviro-suit with an oversized hat with pheasant feathers in it, a couple who were caught in each others gravitational field who looked barely above adolescent years.

At the rear quarters of the bar, Reece could see patrons involved in a popular virtual reality game called Icon Skids in the 'snugs chambers' where contenders play out roles in  various scenarios working through them via influencing, wit, skill (not too much emphasis on this as most participants were usually intoxicated) and sometimes, brute force! It usually hinged on team work and group effort to encourage bonding.
Tonights 'Icon Skids' scenario was called festivus 12 and had the contenders taking part in a lost expedition marooned on a primitive civilization trying to survive through gathering resources and influencing the local population. Reece thought the Festivus 12 scenario sounded quite interesting and would have liked to have taken part but these VR venues usually get booked up pretty quickly.
Reece looked up to the status screen- on second thoughts- it looked like some folks had dropped out and there were some open slots.
The slot of 'Team diplomat', 'Resource manager' and 'Lead Engineer' were open. Although Reece was a engineer by profession he thought it might be nice to try the Team Diplomat position for a laugh. Reece submitted for that slot...and got accepted almost immediately. This should be fun! Reece took a last swig of his Konnga ale and finished it off.
On his first impression-Reece could see that the Icon Skids Virtual Reality Session was first class and worth every credit. The scene started off with the flight and then subsequent crash of the transport vessel- the Astral Queen (a Boa class ship). Once they had crashed it was a test of their survival skills. Reece was the team diplomat, the lead engineer was a skinny nervous looking skivvy called Blake, while the resource manager was a straight laced chap called Anup. The Expedition leader was a chubby guy who seemed quite slick and silver tongued- but Reece couldn't remember his name and finally chief of security/warrior was Eva- a curvy buxom blonde that Reece had no trouble remembering. The place they had crashed was desolate and isolated. Now it was the teams job to set up camp, and survive. Reece knew there would be hostiles to fight and other challenges. The VR system was TOTALLY immersive and through ultra haptics Reece could feel sensations you'd expect as well as see the entire vista via the head mount.
Now it was time to see what was out there. Apparently there was an indigninous civilization. After much discussion and debate and some good drinking (obviously drinks were made available at strategic locations throughout the game!) The expedition leader instructed Reece and Eva to go out and find the local life, while Anup and Blake went out charged with getting resources and finding or building shelter. Reece knew he could ace the engineer or resource manager role but the diplomat role would challenge and grow him. Besides, he looked forward to the company of Eva. They walked for ages it seemed.

"This place is an arm pitt!' Eva said.

"yep- reminds me of Bunda, a complete dump! Oh wait....you're not from Bunda are you?"

Long pause as the blondes large blue eyes widened and eye brows raised.

"My grand parents are from there, I used to spend holidays there as a kid!" There was a tone of indignation to her voice

She looked like she was sulking. Reece eyed her to try to assess if she was being serious. She laughed and so did he.

" It's true that my grand parents are from there but I admit its a dump!"

Festivus 12 took place during the first Federal expansion era- around the turn of the last millennium.
The ventured out scouting about in the a SRV- head lamps tearing into the dark. The SRV was a simulation of a real one and like a retro one of the one on Reeces ship, the Imperious Rex, functionally the same but not quite as refined.

"What are we looking for exactly?"- Eva asked

" Anything, everything, observing, trying to see what or who is out there?"

"Why were we sent out like this?"- there was a hint of anxiety in her tone

"It's my understanding we're part of a two pronged approach," Reece took a sip of his alcoholic beverage in the cup holder of the SRV and Eva aped him, " you're the fearsome warrior and I'm the diplomat- should we come across native life here,"

"What if we don't find anyone? Or...what if we get ambushed and captured?"

Reece tried to keep a stoic look on his face. " You ask many questions."

Eva glared at Reece. " You're a big tough warrior type- you can deal with it!" Reece grinned.

She turned to him and struck him on the shoulder. While it wasn't hard- she didn't do it gingerly either.

"Oi- get off! I'm drinking here!"

They went through the motions in the VR entertainment simulation- found the settlement.
The simulation writing coders had really hammed up the fear and sense of foreboding : Late at night, howling breeze, distant noises, dark and difficult to see, derelict buildings on the outskirts of this settlement, some quite dilapidated.
Reece and Eva had gotten out of the SRV (surface Reconnaissance Vehicle) to explore on foot. It wasn't long before Eva was clutching onto Reeces arm. Reece smiled to himself.

"What are we supposed to be doing? Whats going on?" Eva asked

Reece tried to stay calm even though some of these same fears were knawing at his resolve.
" We're trying to find local agents, contacts that can help us. Reach out. But most importantly find some good liquid level intoxication!"
As Reece said that they passed a small alcove on the outside of a derelict industrial looking building with Konnga Ale and Blue Victory Gin! He grabbed the liquid refreshments and thrust the Gin into Evas hand. It was on cue. Reece felt so smooth as he laughed!
The laugh elicited laugher from Eva too. The amount of alcohol on cue here was worth it alone for the price of the Icon Skids simulation!

It wasn't too long before they stumbled across the town hall type structure in this overstated simulation. It was obvious that this structure had some sort of significance to this game. Eva tugged at Reeces arm. "Lets go this way!"
She had the unbounding energy of a puppy, vivacious and full of life. Reece knew this reminded him of Britta but had made an internal agreement with himself to stop associations like this. Banished from his mind!

The entered the structure via a creeky door. The inside smelt musky and damp. It was dark. The moon light was the only thing that lit up the hallway via skylights.
A deep sullen voice broke the silence.
"Who goes there? Looters will be shot on sight. I'm not afraid to use my weapon!"
Reece could feel Eva shrink.
" We are of the Transport vessel the Astral Queen. I am mission diplomat and I'm with one other"
Eva stayed quiet.
"Trespassing is an offense here just like theft and breaking an entering"
"We're here in peace, sir, I appologise if we alarmed you or if we broke any local edicts- we thought this place was abandoned. We're in dire need of supplies and help, our vessel, the Astral Queen crash landed a little way from here."
The voice in the darkness tone softened slightly. Reece could see the outline of a figure and what seemed to be a Aliance Alioth Wicken ware emblem.
" You crashed? How bad? …..Even so.....we're not a space station, we don't repair vessels here and aren't a free resource for all that stop by"
Reece felt he was getting through initially but it was difficult to get this guy to put his guards down. There was something about Wicken Ware on Alioth that rang a bell. Something old and traditional. Reece thought he'd try a different approach. He stood up slowly and went to the centre of the room arms in the air. Reece could hear Eva shriek- what are you doing???

This was a test of Reeces influencing skills and diplomacy and he needed to grow in this area. If he screwed up- it was a simulation- so no big deal. He'd likely get a new Konnga ale anyway!

" We're sorry we didn't mean to startle or to trespass. We need aid. We were on a mission or mercy. Its quite a scary prospect being stranded"
" The guys scowl seemed to melt. We have a lot on here, barely enough resource for ourselves and since our leaders keep piling on more and more responsibilities while clipping our bonuses it's not getting any easier for any of us."
" That badge- the Wicken Ware racing in Alioth- right? I was there. Did you take part in that?" Reece asked
"yea- it was amazing- we took first place four years in a row in a Mamba class star strikers! Those were amazing days," Reece could tell he was lying about the Mamba but felt he was making progress 'breaking through the ice', "of course these days my life is so different, loaded up, a slave to the town council, no time for fun, fat cats taking all the cream, while we're all left here hung out to dry. Then we have to fend off scavengers...." This guard continued venting but Reece felt he was getting through.
Then he heard a rustling noise behind him and then the unmistakable pitch of a laser pistol bolt. Reece then watched as the simulated Wiccan Ware veteran guard doubled over and fell to the ground!
Reece turned to Eva. "What are you DOING?"
" He was whining and being obstructive. Now we can proceed!"

"What the frack? We needed him to help us. I was making progress, in finding out the law of the land around here. Then you come along and kill the blighter! What the frack? Its called diplomacy"

" He was annoying me! I got rid of him, that's what us divas do!" Evas expression was stoic and unwavering
"What do you divas do? Bugger up opportunities to get ahead? Can I tell the others that we were making good progress until the security assignee killed our major lead?" Reece started laughing at the preposterousness of it all. Evas expression gave way to laughter as she started laughing uncontrollably too. This fed into Reeces laughter, as they both fell to the floor drinking their chosen beverages. Eva rolled onto Reece. She was close to his face and he could feel her breath upon him and her shaking from the laughter. As he was up close he eyed her form close up, she was very voluptuous, with a curvy rump and nice hips and buxom. Britta was curvy too but Eva was somehow tauter and Reece had promised to banish thoughts of Britta away. Her form went well with her straight blonde hair.

By the time they managed to conclude Festivus12 VR simulation campaign, Reece and Eva was very intoxicated. What was light flirting had given way to heavy flirting and then heavy petting. It had been a while for Reece. it felt good. He wished he wasn't so drunk. As they got intimate at the corner of the bar, the lively cabaret music was actually beginning to be an annoyance. Reece was guarded. Years of experience of nasty situations with undesirable types had taught Reece to keep on his toes and keep strangers at arms lengths. Besides, this kind of casual intimate encounter wasn't really Reeces Modus operandi, but it seemed to be happening. He would often think about the stratification of society and how those who are 'dirt walkers' (slang name for planetary dwellers) would suck up to the ones who choose to roam the heavens naturally. Even more so if single with dependent from a Federal world (Reece would call these types- parasites) looking to see what they could get. They would often want to be 'saved' and 'swept off their fee '. Men like Reece took to the stars to 'get away from it all'.  Reece figured that you had to ask yourself - what folks were running from when they took to the stars....and with the recent colonization of the Colonia region this was doubly so.
Reece kissed her passionately, tugging her hair gently while caressing her behind.
As things progressed between them it was obvious that Eva wanted to go somewhere more private. Reece didn't want a stranger to see the Imperious Rex-even though the idea of an Imperial Clipper would probably win even more kudos points- he just knew it wasn't good practice to trust someone this soon-especially under these circumstances. He booked a room here at the Bluefox, made sure it was blueline luxury status.

Not long after, Reece and Eva were on top of one another, arms flailing, bodies writhing as they devoured one another, moaning and groaning. He loved her curvaceous body and the way she felt as he stroked and squeezed her. This was just the kind of diversion Reece needed from Star exploration and bounty hunting. But you don't plan these things but the best way to get over someone was to get under someone else. Had it worked? Well everything little bit helps. Wait....who was he trying to get over?
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