Logbook entry

The Death Of Jon Kyng Alix

07 Jan 2019Count Iblis
Another Day another wrestling-with-Mining-equipment, scanners , limpets, seismic lasers and prospectors! All in hopes of cashing in on this apparent "Gold Rush". Void Opals and Low Temp Diamonds were the flavour of the day apparently. The Imperious Rex had been outfitted extensively for the endeavor.

It was a long process that was somewhat drawn out but Reece found that he could 'zone out' on auto pilot for a lot of it, reacting rather than analyzing,  much like exploration of large expanses. That's life. It was just as well, as he was feeling adrift. He had just got news of his second cousin Jon Kyng Alix having been killed!

Jon and Reece used to play together as kids and share a lot of stories when they were about 6 back on their home world of Myrbat. They would build tree houses and build and race rocket drones together.

Things went well until Jon got involved with Alice and the Nu Age Essentialist Movement. Yes- this was an evolution of the original Essentialist movement that Rupak K Paul of lore helped quell and crush centuries ago.

Nu Age Essentialists were a religious minimalist and reducetarian movement who were anti technology and embraced banning space travel and putting down limits on all sorts of things from eating meat (vegetarianism was the considered the ultimate enlightenment) to killing individual space craft design limiting them to a smattering of bigger autonomous mass transport mobility solutions. They viewed individualism as evil, selfish and Freedom as dangerous and undisciplined and collectivism as the only way humanity could redeem itself in the eyes of their great prophet, Alexandria Sandy-Warren. It was their enlightened mission to spread their ethos and communal 'enlightenment' to "lesser cultures" across the galaxy. Anarchic and Capitalist cultures were considered uncivilized and usually their highest priority to be enlightened in an almost imperialist manner.
Once he got married to Alice, Reece already noted differences. Once he pledged allegiance to the Nu Age Essentialists he was a totally different person.

At the time Reece was very disappointed because he knew Jon was better than that. He certainly had the will to be stronger.

Reece had lost contact with him and had heard nothing for over 15 years, until yesterday.

Jon Kyng Alix was found dead, body adrift in space by a Federal patrol and transport vessel near the isolationist world of Terravor occupied by the anarchic-capitalist isolationist frontier nomadic tribe of the same name.

As much as it sounds shocking, it is also quite interesting that a tribe like the Terravor exists even in the 35th century and still lived in isolation, all on their own by their ancient nomadic isolationist ways. Missionary  Jon Kyng Alix left a note describing the Terravor. In his last note to the galaxy, Alix numbered the tribe at several thousand. In his efforts to understand them Jon Kyng Alix also put some light on the social hierarchy that exists in the tribe in his note. The Nu Age Essentialists were very against any sort of hierarchy.

Alix knew the planet was a restricted area and his mission there was illegal, according to a friend, Peter Blake.

Alix had made a scouting trip to the remote planetary system several years ago, and when he returned, Blake recalled Alix talked about his plans to go back to the settlement bearing gifts for the Terravor people.

He said he wanted to get to know the tribal way of life, eventually share the Nu-Age-Essentialist Manifesto and the word of Alexandria Sandy Warren and perhaps translate their holy book, Blake recalled.

The Terravor had shown again and again that they wanted to be left alone, and their wishes should be respected," Survival Intergalactic (a galactic body) said.

A similar and infact related isolationist tribe the Vanguard Pioneers, which stopped resisting contact with outsiders in 3293, offers a cautionary tale, Survival Intergalactic reports.

Since Federation and Alliance Border World Communist factions infiltrated they are now plagued by poverty, authoritarian governmental bodies now on their land stealing the food, resources and materials they prospect, mass killings of the local scientists, prospectors and middle classes ,bringing in Onionhead and exploiting honest hard working citizens while women turned to prostitution," according to a 3303 report.

It's believed the Terravor killed Alix after he asked a local friend to find an expedition vessel and several prospectors to help him get closer to the prohibited planet. The prospectors and expedition vessel Captain have been taken under arrest for dropping Alix on the planet where outsiders including certified Galactic explorers are not allowed.

From the vessel, the prospectors said Alix used an escape pod to reach the planetside on November 16. He returned with burns and laser laeration based injuries the same day, but set off once again to reach the settlement on November 17 and never returned. The propectors later saw members of the tribe ejecting his body into an asteroid field, authorities said.

Reece was very upset about Jon Kyng Alix, he should have known better. But he was even more angry towards both Alice and the Nu Age Essentialists themselves for exploiting a young idealist in this manner. Their arrogant vision of spreading their insipid world view throughout the galaxy. Reece although annoyed by the Terravor, didn't feel as much animosity as there had been fair warning.

He took a deep breath. Back in the NOW- he refocused on his current activities

Reece maneuvered the Imperial Clipper as he used his Abrasion Blasters to tear into another asteroid which scans showed to have an Void Opal core! He had hit the jackpot! The seismic charges were set and the explosives were about to go on in 15-14-13 seconds.....
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