Logbook entry

Distant Worlds 2 -I relented

25 Jan 2019Count Iblis
After weeks of mining Void opals and Serendimite I had saved up enough to get a flagship vessel to augment my fleet and sit beside my Fer De Lance and Imperial Clipper.

I was aimed fair and square towards a Federal Corvette. Traditionally I was well aligned to the Empire, indeed, with a Duke standing. My standing with the Federation wasn't bad but needed some work.

It was while I was at the Blue Fox station bar, which had become one of my regular haunts between bounty hunting runs and mining runs, I heard the gossip about a colossal exploration expedition.

I started to think, although this fleet had set off- it probably wasn't too late. And this was certainly an opportunity of a life time.
In my head I had a list of things I wanted to achieve, overthrow the oppressive dictatorship government of my home world, Myrbat, get in better standing with the Federation (as mentioned), reinforced the hull of the Imperious Rex (my Clipper) etc but this goals weren't going anywhere.

With an impulsiveness that harked back to my younger days, I left the Blue Fox bar, got back into my Clipper , contacted a few shipyards and brokers and headed for the ship yard at Jameson base in Shinrarta before picking an Imperial Cutter as my expedition vessel.

I was committed now.

I picked an iridescent gleam for the hull colour.

Now came the fun part: specing up the vessel for long distance expedition....
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