Cmdr Katzzero
Special agent / Freedom fighter
Registered ship name
Aliance AX-E
Credit balance
Elite III
Registered ship ID
Anaconda SOGB-F
Overall assets
Society Of Greybeards

Logbook entry

WarLogs#01 - Preparation Phase - Operation Praeteritus.

03 Jul 2018Katzzero
  • Key -  WL#01-00.
  • Archive - War Logs
  • Type - Gathering and engineering.
  • Operation - Praeteritus.
  • Summary - At 01 july 3304 - The previous classified operation gathered enough information to increase my concern about a thargoid plan of mass invasion in the bubble.
    As a counter measure, i'm starting an complete campaign to prepare my vessels for the attack. Parallel to this initiative,my archaeologist curiosity want to try some Guardian Weapons on the biggest vessels. Since Alliance already have some Anti-Xeno weapons in experimentation, i will prepare the UberHulk (Type-10) with some AX for a try. Operation Praeteritus is the operations that precedes the Operation Monsoon (secret) and is designated to gather intel and materials for Guardian equipment. Operation Futurum is the analog operation to preparing the AX vessel.  
  • Actions - Relocated the Range-Rover (Anaconda) to Parutis and take the PathFinder (AspX). Since the operation need to have a certain secrecy, i decided to use a low-profile vessel to gather materials. The PathFinder was equipped with some SRVs for land operations. The first designated target was Dav's Hope (Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 A5 at 44.818 / -31.389).  
  • OP-State - End of Day 1

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