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A history of the Council of Mages.

25 Nov 2019CoM WitchMan Am
The Council of Mages was originally formed over a millennia ago.  The members were comprised of explorers, warriors, and traders during a time of sword and shield, myth and magic.  These people had one defining characteristic amongst each one, the choice to work from the shadows.  The people of the time being superstitious believed, through rumors passed along, that this secretive group accomplished everything with magic.

 The Council was known to have fought and navigated the world through many lands and battlefields.  When called upon by it's known allies, they were always prepared to provide assistance in any way.  Many figureheads of old belonged to this Council, and were known to be the best in class of their particular skill sets.  The Council has suffered defeats, but had always reached their goal at whatever they set out to do, no matter the obstacles.  

 As the years went on and technology advanced the need for the Council grew less.  As the years have gone on and interstellar travel has been created, our need had diminished for their help.  In recent times, with the problems caused by the Thargoid menace, the Council of Mages has been working in silence.  The last descendant of the original Council and heir to the title of Arch Mage, CMDR WitchMan, has taken up the mantle of responsibility to help restore balance within the galaxy.  

 In a statement released by CMDR WitchMan, he said this.  "It is my intention to no longer work outside of the mainstream flow of our society.  My purpose is to guide and aid those struggling through these difficult times.  The uncertainty of the future can be made a little easier with acts of charity and kindness.  We will however defend ourselves and our allies if necessary.  In closing, I have submitted my request to have a presence within a system, where we can make true change for the better."  Further information regarding the status on the faction application, and details about this mysterious group will be released as it's available to the public.
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