Logbook entry


04 Feb 2016Haden Jett
6691 Ly from SOL.

Have arrived at the Eagle Nebula, EL-Y D203 and taken a look at the landing area.  No sight of any more Commanders.  Have scanned the entire system and there is a good metal-rich world here for material gathering.

Generally, the journey was pretty uneventful until a few jumps from entering basecamp 4.  The highlights were;

3 Water Worlds in system BYEIA EURK NR-N D6-10
1 Water World in system BYEIA EURK BL-N C20-39
1 Earth like in system (NOTE TO SELF - WRITE IT DOWN!)

From what I hear the after the next few camps I will be almost at the point of no return if I want to try and keep some form of pace with the main group.

I should be making tracks now and start my journey on towards Basecamp 5 in the NGC 6357 Nebula.

Signing out.


End Log.
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