Starlog - Entry 4 - 10 August, 3304
10 Aug 2018Thalikor
So the medical ship that was transporting Riri McAllister (Nexus) lost contact and when they investigated they found evidence that the ship was destroyed... Yeah right. The leader of this well organised, super secretive espionage terrorist group, who had the galaxy convinced that someone else was the leader and arrested for it, just got vaporized in space with no witnesses. At least the people investigating see it too, they marked her as "Missing" not "Dead". Had to form a tri-super power task force to smoke them out the last time, this isn't the last we'll hear of the League of Reparation. They'll lick their wounds and come back, they always do.
Out here trying my hand at mining, there's a specialist in Hull Reinforcement and Armor engineering out in the Kuk system, turns out she only deals with miners... I can see why so many of the taverns are full of off duty miners, this job makes me wanna crawl inside a bottle. Good think I forgot to stock up on bourbon, I'd prolly go hurtling towards one of these asteroids, or one of these moronic pirates might actually get the jump on me. Nothing pisses me off more than people trying to get something for nothing. As bad as I feel for the miners doing this day after day, I gotta have respect for 'em, they come out here and earn it. I can't do this everyday... I have no problem putting those pirates out in the vacuum for what they do though.
Then I see on the news that a mining robot went crazy and busted out of it's container, tunneled underground. Can't say I blame it, mining for too long will drive ya crazy. So many people out there just trying to make their way in this mess of a galaxy, so many chances to lose your mind. Gonna have another smoke and finish up this line of asteroids, get to 500 tonnes of refined minerals and see if that engineer will talk to me. I don't see myself coming back to mining, not for me...
(end of log)