Logbook entry

Day 39 (Comm Series #3)

07 Mar 2018Viridian
Violetta Pace turned over the bottle of whiskey into a small, opaque glass and nudged it across the small desk. Commander Viridian snatched it and swallowed half of it in a gulp.  Pace placed the bottle on the edge of the desk, her iced over eyes looking at the young commander with an expression wanting of sentiment.

"I apologize it took so long to schedule a meeting," Pace said.

Viridian stared at her, her expression a complex combination of anger and impatience. "You don't need to apologize. I understand you're a busy woman. I just appreci--"

"Cut the crap, Vi," Pace said. She turned the bottle over to fill her own glass. She spoke without looking across the desk. "You get two favors for what you did for me and you know they don't come cheap. What could you possibly need to cash in?"

"I need you to look into a missing person."

Pace placed bottle down. She nodded and a soft, thoughtful sound emitted from her throat. "This wouldn't be your Raven you've mentioned, would it."

"She's not my Raven," Viridian replied.

"And yet, she's important enough for you to 'politely request' a private meeting with me?"

"If you call this closet private, then yes," Viridian said and she continued before Pace could do more than narrow her brows at her, "She's a former slave. We had the same owner."

"Slaves are reacquired all the time," Pace said.

Viridian's fist went into the metal table, her glass hopping with the force. "Not this one."

Pace lifted her glass and swirled the whiskey right under her nose. Her eyes never moved from Viridian's, momentarily unblinking as she regarded her. "Do you think she's dead?"

"Her ID number was decommissioned."

Pace paused and slowly lowered the glass. "It's likely that she's dead."

"If she is, I want to know how."

"And what happens when you do?" Pace asked, her brows elevating. "Hm? Revenge?"

"There will be that one way or the other," Viridian said.

"And what about your wingmates? You're in Rogue Commander's tac wing now, aren't you?"

"What difference does that make?"

"It means your life is different, Vi. You've got new responsibilities. I know this Raven was your friend, but you're heading down a path that at the very least is going to get you fired. You've done so much with Rogue already, and you're ready to piss it all away over a rejected comm." She lifted the glass and swallowed it. "I thought if I delayed this meeting, you would've let this drop. No matter what I can find, this news isn't good and I don't want to hear about your bits being found floating around in space."

Viridian's brows narrowed. "It is a favor I am calling in, Pace. I didn't ask twice when you needed help. Why is it you get to when I need something?"

Pace's expression softened and Viridian blinked at the sudden expression. "Alright," Pace said. "I'll do what I can."

Viridian took a last swallow of the whiskey before standing. "I appreciate it. Send me the information as soon as you get it."

Pace sipped the whiskey as Viridian left the room and made sure she was gone before she rubbed a hand over her face.
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