Logbook entry

Rebuilding, In and Out (Part 2 of 2)

29 Jun 2016Brenner Soriah
*clunk clunk*

You working? There we go. My log was probably getting too long, so it might be a good thing it restarted anyway. Moving it along, the next important piece on my mind is in regards to the events over the last near two months surrounding my allegiances. Even though I was banished from the Paladins by Big Pappa, I never stopped watching over them, even if it was in a limited capacity. I was hoping that somehow, he would see his mistake of kicking me out. But now, time is running short. I was ready and excited to get back into leadership, and to help assure the Paladin and Galactic Cooperative victory in the Dangerous Games. With the Games slotted to begin so very very soon, I cannot afford to wait around any more. My heart stays with the Paladins and the alliance I helped to build. Big Pappa continues to ignore my hails, probably due to his newfound hatred of myself, but maybe due to other issues? With no chance to get around his orders and get back into my home, I have to look for my alternatives.

Thanks to CMDR Kermit, leader of the Diamond Frogs and close acquaintance of mine, as well as other leaders in GalCop whom I had made friends with in my time as ambassador, my place in my alliance was not yet lost. A new home awaited me in the Adamant Toads, which are the public branch of the GalCop's initiative to secure themselves as a major power. I know in my heart that to a degree, it's a demotion, and a way for them to keep an eye on me and to more or less 'settle' me, but it is also a chance for me to prove to them that I'm not the traitor that Big Pappa claimed me to be. The paperwork should be in process now to officially flag me as a part of AT. I've already been assigned to work underneath one of my past comrades from the Hutton Truckers, CMDR Shadow. The Toads are lead by CMDR MoosePickle, who I've also flown with before and already knows that I have at least some merit to my Elite rank tags. A number of other familiar faces dotted the ranks of the Toads, and it definitely helped to ease the transition inside.

A larger number of commanders who I'd made friends with have started to notice my absence from Paladin Consortium, considering the quiet nature in which I was banished. Each time, I relate to them the same words I've always said to as true as I can. That's not what matters though; while the story getting out is good because it might change Big Pappa's mind, what is more important is the support they are lending to me. One friend in particular, CMDR Ironman, hailed me, and certain words of his touched me deeply and reminded me that I still could do good work for this galaxy. "You may be gone, but you will always be my superior." I need to remember that even if I'm not a Paladin, I have commanders relying on me to keep a strong back and help guide them as well. That's what these last weeks were really about. Remember who I am, and why I fight.

Speaking of fighting, after I was able to get the Scarlet Current replaced by insurance (May she rest in peace), I took the RES Brisingr from dock and down to the Daramo system where another great war was going on between the Empire and the Federation. It has been a long time since I've seen the two butt heads, and I relished the chance to remind the Imperials of the real military might. Especially considering that it was the Empire who were invading into sovereign space. While my actions against the convoy may have been outside of my bounds (I'm sure I'll hear about the court martials later), I was back to biting for the Federation. There was a significantly large number of commanders gathering for this fight, and I soon saw why. The first reason was how strongly the Federation responded to the Empire by deploying the FNS Erebus less than a light second away from the Empire's staging grounds. The second being the Empire responding in kind with their own capital class ship, the INV Glory. Not only had I not seen a Majestic Class Interdictor before, I had never seen either capital ship in combat. So to fight in two combat zones where both were at general quarters and engaging ships. I have to say, between the two, the Farragut is designed much better than the Majestic. The shape of the ship defends its  hangar bays much better, and the hardpoint placements along with the ship's shape provide very few blindspots in its field of fire. The need for the centrifuge is totally unjustified in a capital ship; it only takes up important design space and resources to maintain while providing a weaker hull. The Empire need to learn the difference between practicality and obnoxious unnecessary designs. I spent three days leading the support of the FNS Erebus, and also attempted a one man assault on the INV Glory. While I was able to damage a few of her guns, I wasn't fast enough in my damage output, mostly due to poor shots with my plasma accelerators and had to retreat before my shields fell.

I found that amidst my skirmishes in the combat zones, there were a number of other ace pilots who I engaged with. I found to my annoyance that the much rumoured engineer modifications gave them an edge that left me feeling quite helpless. In particular, a set of missles that bypassed my shields entirely and destroyed the generator. Every time, I had to jump out immediately because my main source of withstandment, even with over 200 tons of additional hull reinforcements, was completely ignored. I'm quite frustrated, and it's apparent that my disregardment of the Engineers is going to be a massive detriment. Depending on the business of the Games, if I can find the time, I'll push along my reputation with these special modifiers and make sure to level the playing field. I spent almost as much time fighting as I did trying to find a combat zone that was lacking that engineer edge.

It was from one battlezone to another, as I went to support the Toads immediately in a war effort in one of their newly expanded systems to try to gain control of a mining outpost. Resources are crucial, and it will be much needed to support the greater needs of the Galactic Cooperative when they make their play for power. I wasn't really needed, as I came in during the final stages of the seize of control, but I still managed to secure at least a wing of kills and over five hundred thousand in combat bonds. It was a good flight with my assigned wingleader. I doubt I'll be able to help again like I was before, at least soon, but it's all a start.

So here I am. I have to make my final transition out of LFT 37, but it's begrudging to do so. I don't really want to transition all of my ships out of the station. Both because it would be like turning my back totally on the Consortium, and because I keep some 12 ships in station. I think I'll move the STARS Slayer, the Brisingr, and my as yet unnamed Cutter. The Scarlet Current can stay put there, and I'll rent out my vipers and cobras stationed there to the local security forces. It's hard to believe that I've got to step forward... that's life though, and I need to have resolve. I will have resolve. I won't let this happen again.

One thing is for certain. My passion is back. And I refuse to let it go easily. Thank you to those who have been backing me; Marshall, Tatsuken, Ironman, Alena Vixen, Nightmarerra, Shadow, Mieshel, Moosepickle, Vingtetun, Liquid Catnip, Digitarry, Legendary Chicken, Smoelken, AndyZeeLewis, Hawkpilot, DrifterZero, Ahnepaska, and more. Seriously, I am only as strong as you make me. Its your support that allows me to do these things for all of you and so many more.

Until my next log. Thank you for following me.
May your swords stay sharp, and may you soar on dragon's wings.

Commander Brenner Soriah, signing off.
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