Logbook entry

Updating the Scarlet Current

28 Jan 2016Brenner Soriah
Stardate 2801-3302, 1105

Commander Brenner Soriah speaking. This is a rather short log, as I just wanted to talk about my Fer-de-lance. Up until the beginning of Operation Midas Touch, I had never really been too sure on how to outfit her for combat. I think I've settled a bit deeper on loadouts for engagements with large scale battles and the common pirate (PvE), and for engagements against ace commanders (PvP) in both one on one dogfighting and wing combat.

When it comes to the rank and file, not every pilot is going to be as good as the next. I'm pretty proud-born of my skills at the joystick and throttle. While I know I still have more to learn, only the most experienced commanders really have a chance to take me on, assuming I have a proper outfit at the time. I find a pair of gimbal beams and a trio of cannons (one huge of course) keeps me in the fight longest whilst maintaining a good balance of power usage, capacitor drain, thermal and kinetic damage, and steady rate of fire. Generally speaking, the 315 rounds of cannon ammunition lasts me until I've made about a million in bonds in a combat zone. If I can do that much in such a high intense environment, I think I can manage against a few motley pirates who think I've got any sort of cargo for their greedy fingers.

I've finally settled on a comfortable fit for dealing with those pilots that shine above the rest. I've moved into a bi-weave shield for dueling, with four boosters added to the shield. In case I make a mistake and the shields threaten to collapse, shield cells give it a good boost to charge. Four fixed multicannons, supported by a class four plasma launcher, make up her hardpoints. It does fairly good damage so long as I can keep her on point, though its shield breaking power is limited to relying more on the plasma launcher, which I am largely unimpressed with. Against any sort of shield tank, the fight would be at a stalemate, since more than likely the shield tank won't have power for thermal weaponry like me. I still have to experiment with the power consumption, but I'd like to get an expanded shield capacity (at the loss of bi-weave recharge rates) for when I am expecting a wing fight.

That's all I really wished to discuss. Hopefully whatever commander is listening will find this information of decent use.

Commander Brenner Soriah, signing off.
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