Logbook entry

(Re) Customizations

30 Jan 2016Brenner Soriah
Stardate 3001-3302, 0500

    This is Commander Brenner Soriah speaking. My electronics systems crashed once again, and thusly I had to reset my equipment back into its defaults, and lost any customizations that I had. Thusly, I am placing those custom settings here. And who knows, maybe other commanders will find they prefer this over other stuff?

<MatrixRed>     0, 0.3, 1 </MatrixRed>
<MatrixGreen>     0, 1, 0 </MatrixGreen>
<MatrixBlue>     1, 0.5, 1 </MatrixBlue>

Custom Flight keybinds:
Fire Chaff: C
Fire SCB: V
Fire Heat sink: B
Open Galaxy Map: O
Open System Map: P
Select next system on route: ]
Toggle microphone Mute: /
Wingman select: 1-3
HUD UI's: 6-9
Target Wingman target: 4
Navlock to wingman: `
Select next hostile: G

SRV Keybinds:
Accelerate: W
De-Accelerate: S
Turn left: A
Turn right: D
Roll left: Q
Roll right: E
Pitch up: F
Pitch down: R
Handbrake: Z
Do you like it?
︎0 Shiny!
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