AnacondaSo earned enough credits in my FGS during the current KAAL bounty hunting CG to buy an Anaconda. And I wanted to fly it sooner rather than lager, so I stripped my FGS and then sold it, and started fitting up my Anaconda. Ugh this thing is expensive. Took...
To Jaques 06 Location: BOELTS AQ-Y E55 Location: BOELTS AC-T C4-107 Location: BOEPH IT-E C26-67 Location: BOEPH IN-A D14-663 2305.72 Ly remaining. I would love to keep flying but I'm too tired to do it tonight. I estimate approximately...
To Jaques 05Now I'm really feeling nervous. I fell asleep for 9 hours, and woke up to tier 7 at approximately 50%. At this rate I feel like there's less than 48 hours remaining in this CG. Time to pick up the pace or miss out altogether unfortunately. :( Location:...
To Jaques 04 Location: SKAUDE OK-L C9-5 Approximately -4940 : -659 : 9580 Location: SKAUDAI SB-J B53-4 Approximately -5330 : -706 : 10330 Location: PRUA PHOE AV-D B1-0 Approximately -5380 : -724 : 10480 Currently 9605.59LY from Jaques. I'm...
To Jaques 03 Location: FLYIEDGE YW-X C16-15 Approximately -4540 : -541 : 8660 Location: FLYIEDGE UZ-K B39-0 Approximately -4590 : -565 : 8750 Location: FLYIEDGE FQ-G B55-5 Approximately -4750 : -589 : 9100 Currently 11,697.45LY out, hopefully...
To Jaques 02 Location: NYEAJOA DM-B D14-29 -3970 : -456 : -7880 So right now I'm concerned I might not make it to Jaques before the event ends. In the description it stipulates that when the final goal is met the event will terminate immediately. If I can...
To Jaques 01 Location: BYEIA THAA WC-Y B57-0 Roughly 4617LY from Alioth, angled (mostly) toward EOL PROU RS-T D3-94