New Beluga's first Odyssey3304 September 27, Thursday Aasgaa If I'm going to join the Distant Worlds 2 expedition I shall be looking to invest in a large exploration vessel. An Anaconda would be sensible, but I've been thinking about the Type-10. It should have the same good...
War in Tionisla3304 September 11, Tuesday There's a war coming in Tionisla, or so I've been told by my contacts in the Alliance Rapid-reaction Corps. They've been preparing for this for some time, building up their influence from a beachhead at Kingsmill Camp. They...
Gnosis attacked3304 September 07 We were warned that it wasn't safe, that they didn't want us to go. But we persisted with the plan to jump into the Cone Sector. We didn't make it. The story I keep hearing is that the thargoids dragged the megaship out of...
Final preparations for Cone Sector3304 September 04, Tuesday I feel totally under-equipped for Thursday's jump into the permit locked zone. I've been scrambling to make some decent preparations since I realised, just a few days ago, that the Gnosis doesn't have a shipyard. Serves me...
Guardian Beacons3304 August 29 Yesterday Ram Tah, the engineer who worked on my Viper a few days ago, announced that he had detected some energy signatures. Cannon identified one of the sources and there was a bit of a painite-rush, which I was a part of. I arrived...
An elite explorer's first visit to Sol3304 August 25 09:13 Just left the Betel war, yes the one from the news, to visit the Solar System for the first time. I took some time to bask in the sun that gave our species life before docking at Daedalus. I brought the wrong ship, my Viper Mk3....
Possible revelation about fighting the Cyclops3304 August 28, Friday I was thinking about my attempts to take down thargoid interceptors last night and I think I just figured out something that wasn't in the guides I read. The Cyclops puts a shield up after I knock out a heart, and it's puzzled...
Lucky escape3304 August 23, Thursday Just got hyperdicted again. This is becoming normal for me when traveling to the Pleiades. It wasn't like this until two weeks ago. Is it because I have been fighting them? Do they recognise me despite being interdicted in...
How I found myself at New Growth, an asteroid base beside the Pencil Nebula3304 August 20, Monday 19:24 I made a silly mistake just now. I had requested my new fighter be delivered out to Hera Tani to get its power plant upgraded. It's a fast eagle design but I had to disable the class two weapon or everything would shut...
Trapped by a white dwarf3304 August 20, Monday 18:31 How has this never happened before? I'm trapped in the jets of a white dwarf! I have jumped from hundreds of white dwarfs and neutron stars, discovered dozens unknown to GalMap. But now, for the first time ever, I am stuck. ...