Recopilando jumponium- Dryaa Phoe JP-G c27-0 - (46.21 / 91-79) - He despertado con la misión de hacer acopio de un buen puñado de materiales para inyectar mi FSD y, qué sorpresa, me he topado con una nave estrellada y una cápsula en estasis con un tripulante a bordo. No...
3305.07.02 - Hacia el fin de la galaxiaNOTE: There is almost no lore, logbooks o info written in Spanish, so, I decided to add a little effort to roleplaying for all the Spaniards that inhabit this massive universe of ours. Sorry for the inconvenience, if you think it may be any. I hope you...
Whiskey, EVE Online OST and the Vast Empty SpaceWhat could be better than a glass of good scotch, the sweet sound of space music and all the galaxy under your wings...