Closing the gapWhen The Bridger set to The Gap Expedition its objective was to explore the Hawkins settlements, cross the gap longitudinaly and head back to the bubble through known waypoints along the Outer Orion Spur. However, having a detachment to long term planning...
Tenebrea's RhizomesTeneabrea's exploration was something different. After such a demanding journey, finally arriving in the region brought tears to my eyes. The journey was difficult, painful and full of uncertainties. We had two missions in Tenebrea. First was to identify...
The Gap Expedition - Crossing The HookI didn't hold high hopes about that "Le passage de Tenebris" route. For all her qualities, Danna wasn't a seasoned explorer before joining The Bridger. She has won the route stick in a face-slapping contest back at Morgan's Rock from a known...
The Gap Expedition - From Eock Prau NebulaAs I seat here, landed on planet C2, watching the nebula's greens and reds on the sky and the orange barks dotting the grey surface, I was ready to start my midpoint log. You see, the idea of this expedition was to cross the Gap in all its extent and...
Kaushpoos and Obsidian OrbitalI haven't found Danna under a rock, but close. It was in a rock nevertheless, and a fairly remote one. She was there for a reason after a life of hardship and heartbreak. We share some motivations. Both look for the void as the answer to our troubles...
New Year New Discoveries 3306 legacy.The void is a chronic disease. One can try to keep it under control but it is in you. It is you. More than a year ago, I left the bubble as an elite trader and philanthropist. The goal was to explore new worlds and find new homes for humanity. I succeeded...
SOLSEN Pre-expedition logI’m CMDR Ren Solsen, an Elite trader, IDA agent and philanthropist born in Sol and based in Kachian. I’m joining the DW2 expedition as an explorer to collect as much galactic data as I can in order to build the codex of the upcoming Solsen Institute of...