THE FINAL BATTLETHE FINAL BATTLE 8 AUG 3308, HIP 22460. This is commander Jav Marlo, recording this log on board the Perseus. (Deep sigh) I think I’ve never been so tired in my entire life. (Deep breath) They say the war might end today... I’m not so sure about...
THE REBELION OF THE SLAVESTHE REBELION OF THE SLAVES 18 JUN 3308, HIP 96456, Lemmy´s Rock. This is commander Jav Marlo, recording this log at Lemmy´s Rock, in the HIP 96456 system. Jav Marlo on the dock of Lemmy´s Rock HIP 96456… three stars, some gas giants, several...
CONTACT LOSTCONTACT LOST 11 JUN 3308, HIP 96456. Are you sure about this? Totally. This is your mission. You should record the log. Mmnnn… let´s see… this is Ayumi, flying the Electra along with commander Jav Marlo, recording this log at HIP 96456 system....
THE FERAL WITCHTHE FERAL WITCH 10 JUN 3308, Harma system, Pegasi Sector. This is commander Jav Marlo, recording this log at Gabriel Enterprise, in the Harma system. I was dead... I mean, clinically dead. Some masked bounty hunter shot me down at Jenkerson’s...
THE DUELTHE DUEL 28 MAR 3308, Harma system, Pegasi Sector. (Deep breath, deep breath) Yes, one step at a time. Like this… Don't fall asleep. (Deep breath) Keep focus. (Deep breath) Keep walking. A mysterious figure This is the operative six of...
MEMORIESMEMORIES 28 FEB 3308, Mu Capricorni system, Pegasi Sector. Hey, it’s me, Ayumi, recording this log at Chang-Diaz Colony, in the Mu Capricorni system. Chang-Diaz Colony I know you wanted to come with me here and that you must be pissed off...
THE PIRATE CODETHE PIRATE CODE 06 FEB 3308, Madon system, Pegasi Sector. This is commander Jav Marlo, recording this log at Huberath Gateway. (Deep sigh) Huberath Gateway. What a dump! Huberath Gateway This is the home of the Madon Raiders, a pirate...
REVELATIONSREVELATIONS 10 JAN 3308, Eotienses system. This is commander Jav Marlo, recording this log on Roe Dock, a remote outpost in the Eotienses system. Roe Dock in the Eotienses system Admiral Patreus arranged for us to hide here after I rescued...
PRISON BREAKPRISON BREAK 31 DEC 3307, Facece system. Commander Jav Marlo on board the Steropes over a military installation on Facece This is commander Jav Marlo, on board the Steropes, a Federal Gunship heavy modified for ground assaults. And it is my...
THE RECONTHE RECON 19 DEC 3307, Facece system. Jav Marlo observing Cremona Penitentiary from afar So, that is the place: Cremona Penitentiary. COVAS ALIX: According to my database, Cremona Penitentiary is a maximum security facility for violent prisoners...