Cryosleep failure in the Veil West Sector=== BEGIN LOG === Where do I begin? I ran into Thargoids unarmed and unprepared 6 months ago. Decided on a walkabout out west. And now I've been in cryosleep for 5 months. I dunno how I'm alive. COVAS on the Vaderland is glitchy right now....
DUMBBELL NEBULA RUN - Alone time after Thargoid massacre=== BEGIN LOG === Well -- here I am. Alone in the black. About 2am ship time. I feel like I'm running, but -- I'm not. I just... I need time to think after that Thargoid encounter the other day. I docked just a supercruise away from Farseer,...
DECIAT - I couldn't save them=== BEGIN LOG === This is so hard... It's been four days since I was outfitting in Deciat with Farseer, Inc., and I still can't stop shaking. OK -- so -- there are commanders in the black fighting this growing conflict all around...
KP TAURI - Turrets -- plural -- as in more than one...=== BEGIN LOG === Here I am -- out of KP Tauri after a little shopping trip. Just me at the moment. My crewmate, Devon, took some time off for his family after a few days of bounty hunting. I personally think he was a bit terrified after I miscounted...
EURYBIA - Buyer's remorse...=== BEGIN LOG === Can't tell you how much I was having buyer's remorse about my investment in the Lakon Federation Gunship. It's a marvel of technology and power, but -- sheesh it's a brick. My crewmate, Devon, and I continued our push to bounty...
DECIAT - Drove all this way, and I left arsenic at home...==== BEGIN LOG ==== Ugh... What a long trip... Oh -- sweet coffee and caffeine release. I just made the haul from Wyrd to Wolf 397 to Deciat, paying visits to three (3) separate engineers. All in a range-starved Federation Gunship. ...
HIP 17272 - That new spaceship smell...==== BEGIN LOG ==== I'm sitting in this pilot's chair -- trying to take it all in. My first Python. Hold on -- uploading a photo... I know there's thousands -- millions? -- of these floating in the black, but it's my first. Everything smells...