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FC journey diary 041 - Deep dive - Core Regions 3307

03 Mar 2021Godthab

CMDR Godthab just before departing the fleet carrier anchored in Circinus Pulsar

The expedition team of Core Region 3307 arrived in Waypoint #6, Circinus Pulsar and the bridge of Blodeuwedds Branch announced the carrier would remain in the system for a certain amount of time. Some crew started scouting around the Pulsar, some departed to continue further flying ahead of the carriers aiming to reach the next Waypoint #7 despite the distance between two waypoints - more than 10,000 Ly. Some expressed their interests to commit to the delivery jobs required for the Galactic Summit in the Bubble and even flew back to where we departed, promising to come back and reunite with the expedition team after their missions were complete. A couple of crew gave up the long journey, a couple of new participants the team had.
In this WP6 area this one planned not to fly up, but down this time. Down deep to the bottom of the galaxy, using up to the basic FSD booster if needed. That was a personal rule this one made on his own. After having finished high-latitude research, giving it a try to low-latitude wouldn't be that bad.
While flying down, several high-value planets were first found and mapped as always.

NUEKUIA PX-B D327Water World
NUEKUIA VY-Z D32AB2Earth-Like World
NUEKUIA BK-Z D276Water World (ringed)
NUEKUIA DF-Z D35Ammonia World
NUEKUIA DF-Z D0B3Water World
NUEKUIA BD-V C2-1B2Water World
GRIA HYPUA XK-A C3-03Water World
GRIA HYPUA VO-Y D1-17Ammonia World

When past 1,750Ly down from WP6 this one found that it was about time to give the Diamondback Explorer a first FSD injection. He was in Gria Hypua UI-B d0 and to reach further down to Gria Hypua WD-B d0, DBX's jump range capability was slightly not enough.

Red Giant star in Gria Hypua WD-B d0

A basic FSD boost was given, then boom the ship was right in front of huge star - a Red Giant star.  Her age was 10,856 million years; solar masses were 1.10195, radius 30.2414 and surface temperature was 2,923 kelvin.
From GRIA HYPUA WD-B d0 he jumped to GRIA HYPUA YY-A D0, 85.62Ly, using a basic FSD boost again. 1,835.55Ly down from WP6.
Then flew with no boost, further down to GRIA HYPUA AU-A D0, 62.03Ly. DC(White Dwarf) star welcomed him. 1,879.42Ly away from WP6.

Then again with no boost he headed further down to BLAE HYPUA KD-A D14-0, 64.14Ly. G(White-Yellow) star was shining. 1,924.45Ly from WP6. It appeared this was the lowest botom system his DBX could reach from Circinus Pulsar, only with basic FSD boosts, no uses of standard nor premium.

Looking up at the Milky Way

From that point he started backward journey. Consumed 2 basic FSD boosts on the way back, and safely returned onboard the fleet carrier. This one paid a visit at the Universal Cartographics office to cash out the collected data.  Paityn Medina, the manager welcomed him and quickly run the system to calculate the data value.

Which turned out to be approx. 33 million credits equivalent. Not bad. At all. Very much worth it. For sure.

CMDR Godthab out.


=== CORE REGIONS 3307 - Expedition to the Galactic Core ===
- Departed on: February 3rd 3307
- Details on Frontier Forums
- More detailed summary on EDSM
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