Betelgeuse 2I needed some space between me and civilization. And some dirt under my feet. Is there a better place to go than Betelgeuse? Ohhh Betelgeuse, I always admired you. Fear your power, feel soothed by your warm light. This is the perfect place...
SundayOh what a shitty night this was. Farseer Inc might have some sleeping cubicles for lonely, tired adventures, but you can not really sleep in them.. I can not blame Misses Farseer. In the end she did not even charged me anything for the night, but...
Misses FarseerI got an Invitation from Misses Farseer yesterday. A Woman of that intellect and reputation you better let not wait for long, so I only hauled 3 deliveries of fruit to Chamas and then switched my Freighter for a shiny new Diamondback Explorer to make...
Foodhauling and Tourist PleasuringFood Hauling Well, it should be an short community food hauling evening. I listened to Galnet news and heard about the call for food for the big Fortunes Corsairs Feast in the Chamas System. Cool, a big feast! Maybe they invite me if I bring them...