This time I ain't buyin' the wrong thing. Maybe.It really has been quite a journey since I made my last log entry. I have left Redshift Logistics in favor of a more "Be your own boss" kind of life style. After my failed 'Ferry of the Black' job, I sold the ship and lived out of an Adder...
Redshift Logistics1204hrs: No longer a bounty hunter, I am going to engage in trade. Flying over to (I cannot say for safety reasons) in order to file the paperwork for a job with Redshift Logistics. I feel like combat is... well, pointless. 1300hrs: Paperwork is all...
A New MeIt's been a while since I wrote in here. The last entry saw me blow up in a Lance and had no re-buy. I have decided to try again. I will make my way to Borann, and live a somewhat peaceful life out there, mining. My T7 will get me some decent credits...
I screwed up. Hard.How am I supposed to say this? I challenged a sidewinder and a viper III. I was in a Fer-De-Lance. And of course I screw it up! I decided to switch to combat, sold Ferry, and bought a Lance, outfitted her, etc. Found a ring, found two guys. ...
Highway to SosongLogbook Entry #3: I have some good news... and some bad. So lets start with the good news. I was accepted into a squadron, and it's a decent one at that: the Mining and Commerce Association, and it's in the Sosong system. And the bad: I'm in...
Logbook Entry #2: The Loneliness of SpaceIt's hard, being someone who ferries people from place to place. Going 50ly only takes 5 minutes but it can seem like 5 days. I sent a message to my squadron a few days ago, asking them to join me. I got no reply. Not one. As i told everyone in my...
The Ferry of the BlackI have been in the Robigo system for about 2 weeks now. I moved from the bubble so that i could increase my income. The Robigo to Sothis run was suggested to me by an unknown contact, who i thought was lying. But i went to see if i could catch him out....