Doctor Strangelove: Head of Vista GenomicsDoctor Strangelove: The Eccentric Genius of Vista Genomics Aboard the DESTRUKITON In the vast expanse of space, where the cosmic ballet of trade, exploration, and battle unfolds, there exists an enigmatic figure whose reputation precedes him. Doctor...
Fleet Carrier DESTRUKITONThe Enigmatic Fleet Carrier: DESTRUKITON In the vast, uncharted expanses of the Milky Way galaxy, where the line between fact and fiction often blurs, a formidable fleet carrier known as DESTRUKITON has captured the imaginations of commanders and explorers...
Trajectories 19103310-aLogbook Entry Commander Swarthos Fleet Carrier Destrukiton Date: October 19, 3310 Log Entry Commence: 1730 hours As I sit here in my quarters aboard the Fleet Carrier Destrukiton, I can't help but reflect on the intense cargo hauls I’ve recently...
Trajectories 18103310-bREVELATION Trajectories 18103310 Revelation: Everyone has been asking the wrong question, therefore no one has been searching in the right location. On this day I, CMDR SWARTHOS, have discovered the right question. I may consult with others…
Trajectories 18103310-aReport: Trajectories Commanding Officer: CMDR SWARTHOS Fleet Carrier: DESTRUKITON Date: 18 October 3310 Report Classification: Confidential - Eyes Only Mission Summary: Over the past three stellar cycles, I, CMDR SWARTHOS, have successfully...
Trajectories 17103310Briefing from CMDR SWARTHOS: Engagement Reports and Current Operations Location: DESTRUKITON Fleet Carrier Date: 17 October 3310 Commander: CMDR SWARTHOS Situation Overview: As I sit in the command chair of Fleet Carrier DESTRUKITON, I find...
Trajectories 11103310Moved Fleet Carrier Destrukiton to HIP 113695 to better position as launch point/base of operations in Thargoid resistance initiative. Took Tough Iguana into battle, untested, no experience and met with resounding success! Returned to Skeggiko for refit....
Trajectories 0910331012 days out and counting until power play changes forever. I may journey out just a bit outside the bubble… do a little bio scanning and crash sites recovery and salvage.
Trajectories 06103310aFleet Carrier DESTRUKITON once again returned to active duty. Mission: Undisclosed
Trajectories 09243310I've departed Xibe aboard Fleet Carrier Okanagan bound for SAG A - I'll explore and gather information. Return date unknown.