Fleet Carrier ProgressI finally got a FC! I have been working for a couple weeks to get this thing. Glad the CG helped with the process. The extra money saved me a lot of time. Fleet Carrier: Check! Now I need to get the rest of the engineers and head to Colonia.
DEFENSEUR DE SHOTWOLVE MAT GATHERING ConcludedI worked all day to gather the rest of the materials. Late in the night, I finally finished engineering my Type-10 Defender, the DEFENSEUR DE SHOTWOLVE. However, I had to grab a few more Military Supercapacitors before I could finish at the last engineer....
DEFENSEUR DE SHOTWOLVE MAT GATHERING continuedI worked all night trying to get materials. I finished up at Dav's Hope and went to some high grade emissions to gather as much as I could. I got a lot. I think one more night might just do it.
Defenseur de Shotwolve Mat GatheringI started the day gathering the raw materials I needed on a few planets. I then went to Jameson's Crash site and gathered data to cross trade for the grade 5 data. I traded for what I thought was all the materials I needed. My information was not quite...
NMLA Message from GalNet distraction - Update 4I found an communications beacon orbiting one of the planets. The beacon contained another message that led to the conclusion of this quest. This was fun! R4S 4S R4TV4R4S J4Z4X4Z KT4JB 44T 4F4XRS Y4R4X 4YW4T44Z 4XR4ZZ4F4XJ4 D4Q4 P4TX4H 4S R4R 4JR...
NMLA Message from GalNet distraction - Update 3I found an network beacon orbiting one of the planets. The beacon contained another message that led to the next system. I will head there soon. The 4th System! A = 4 D = H E = 4 F = G G = F A = D K = B L = Z N = X S/SH = S T/TH = R U...
NMLA Message from GalNet distraction - Update 2I found an unidentified beacon orbiting one of the planets. The beacon contained another message that led to the next system. I will head there next. The next system! B = D C/CH = F D = G E = 2 I = 2 J = L K = M M = P O = 2 QU = R R =...
NMLA Message from GalNet distraction - UpdateI found an imperial beacon orbiting one of the planets. The beacon contained another message that led to the next system. I will head there next to see if there is more info. The system F = S G = R I = 3 J = P K = N O = 4 P = J Q = H R...
NMLA Message from GalNet distractionI am taking a quick break to see what the message from the NMLA is all about. Headed to HIP 290 to see what is going on there and find the beacon. A = H B = G C = J E = L F = K L = Q M = T O = V P = U Q = X S = Z T = Y U = B V = A W...